What is an Event?
An Event
is a data object propagated by JavaFX in response to a trigger in the UI. It’s a signal that something of significance has happened, and gives the application a chance to react to that event.
are useful because they offer an opportunity to create imperative code that responds to something in the UI. As a Reactive framework, the functionality provided by Bindings
and ChangeListeners
provide the primary tools for connecting the View
to the State
in an application. However, there are times when imperative code is appropriate, such as when connecting to an external API, and Events
provide that mechanism in JavaFX.
How Events Fit in the JavaFX Hierarchy
classes inherit methods and properties from these important classes:
- EventObject
- All
extend fromEventObject
which supplies theSource
property. - Event
- All
extend fromEvent
which provides thefire()
methods. - InputEvent
- This is the base class for input type
, likeMouseEvent
The version 16 JavaDocs for Event
can be found here
Source & Target
is the Node
that generated the EventHandler
that’s running. Target
is the Node
that triggered the Event
. In virtually all real use cases, these will be the same Node
since the EventHandler
is usually attached to the Node
that triggered the Event
This is a little more complicated.
While Events
have Java types (such as ActionEvent
and InputEvent
), there is also a field called EventType
and a getter, getEventType()
that you should use to make decisions about handling different kinds of Events
. This holds true even if the Java type of the Event
has only one possible EventType
- it will make your code cleaner.
, however, is a generic class, parameterized over the Java type of the Event
. This means that the actual class of the EventType
will be something like EventType\<ActionEvent\>
, or EventType\<MouseEvent\>
. That can get a little ugly when you are passing the EventType
to a method which accepts EventType
from a variety of different Event
classes. You’ll get warnings about using raw classes if you just define the method parameter as EventType
Finally, the actual possible values of EventType
are stored as static fields in the Event
classes themselves. To check for a type of mouse Event
you’ll need:
if (event.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED)) {}
Event Handlers
So, what do you do with an Event
An Event
indicates, as its name suggests, that something - some kind of event - has occurred, and it’s passed around as an object. In order to deal with an Event
, you need to create an EventHandler
An EventHandler
is just a snippet of code which is designed to consume an Event
of a specific type. It’s a functional interface that works very much like Consumer
, it accepts a value and doesn’t return anything. Instead of having an accept()
method, it has a handle()
method, where it is passed the Event
Submitted to the FXAT
The other really important aspect to remember is that all of the code inside, or called from an EventHandler
is going to be executed on the FXAT. Furthermore, it’s going to be executed by submitting it to an “Event Queue”, meaning that its execution may be delayed. There is only one FXAT and the jobs are all executed in the order of submission, so there may be some delay before your EventHandler
is executed, and significant code may run on the FXAT between the moment that the Event
is fired, and the time that the EventHandler
is executed. If multiple EventHandlers
are defined to respond to the same event, there are specific rules which govern which will be executed first.
So how do you implement an EventHandler
? There are a few ways:
Create a Custom class
is just an Interface, so any class which implements it and has a handle()
method can be used as an EventHandler
. Probably the most useful case for this would be if you had some kind of data that was persistent between invocations of handle()
or that needed to be initialized via a constructor when the EventHandler
was defined.
Here’s an example that uses a custom class to track a counter as part of the EventHandler
class. At instantiation, the EventHandler
is passed an IntegerProperty
as the counter value, and an int
as the increment value. Each time that handle()
is invoked it adds the increment to the property, which is bound to the Text
property of the Button
public class EventClassExample extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private final IntegerProperty count1 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(10);
private final IntegerProperty count2 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(20);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
HBox hbox = new HBox(10, createCounterButton(count1, 1), createCounterButton(count2, 2));
hbox.setPadding(new Insets(30));
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(hbox));
private Node createCounterButton(IntegerProperty count, int increment) {
Button button = new Button("Fetch");
Counter counter = new Counter(count, increment);
button.textProperty().bind(Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> Integer.toString(count.get()), count));
return button;
class Counter implements EventHandler<ActionEvent> {
private final IntegerProperty count;
private final int increment;
public Counter(IntegerProperty count, int increment) {
this.count = count;
this.increment = increment;
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
count.set(count.get() + increment);
public ReadOnlyIntegerProperty counterProperty() {
return count;
And when it runs, it looks like this:
Create an Anonymous Inner class
Prior to the introduction of Lambdas
, this was the “normal” way to create an EventHandler
. It can get a bit bulky if you in-line the class definition inside the method assigning it to the Node.
Here’s the same example as before, but using an anonymous inner class:
public class InnerClassExample extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private final IntegerProperty count1 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(10);
private final IntegerProperty count2 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(20);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
HBox hbox = new HBox(10, createCounterButton(count1, 1), createCounterButton(count2, 2));
hbox.setPadding(new Insets(30));
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(hbox));
private Node createCounterButton(IntegerProperty count, int increment) {
Button button = new Button("Fetch");
button.textProperty().bind(Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> Integer.toString(count.get()), count));
EventHandler<ActionEvent> counter = new EventHandler<>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
count.set(count.get() + increment);
return button;
Of course, you can define the inner class in-line when the ActionHandler
is set:
private Node createCounterButton(IntegerProperty count, int increment) {
Button button = new Button("Fetch");
button.textProperty().bind(Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> Integer.toString(count.get()), count));
button.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
count.set(count.get() + increment);
return button;
Use a Lambda Expression
Since EventHandler
is a Functional Interface, you can define it with a Lambda expression. This can provide a really compact way to declare a handler, especially if you stick to the in-line form of lambda and just use it as a way to invoke code in a separate method.
Here’s the same example from the Anonymous Inner Class section, but turned into a Lambda
public class LambdaExample1 extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private final IntegerProperty count1 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(10);
private final IntegerProperty count2 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(20);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
HBox hbox = new HBox(10, createCounterButton(count1, 1), createCounterButton(count2, 2));
hbox.setPadding(new Insets(30));
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(hbox));
private Node createCounterButton(IntegerProperty count, int increment) {
Button button = new Button("Fetch");
button.textProperty().bind(Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> Integer.toString(count.get()), count));
button.setOnAction(event -> count.set(count.get() + increment));
return button;
Slightly better, IMHO, is to put the actual work into a method and simply invoke it from the EventHandler
public class LambdaExample1 extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private final IntegerProperty count1 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(10);
private final IntegerProperty count2 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(20);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
HBox hbox = new HBox(10, createCounterButton(count1, 1), createCounterButton(count2, 2));
hbox.setPadding(new Insets(30));
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(hbox));
private Node createCounterButton(IntegerProperty count, int increment) {
Button button = new Button("Fetch");
button.textProperty().bind(Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> Integer.toString(count.get()), count));
button.setOnAction(event -> incrementCounter(count, increment));
return button;
private void incrementCounter(IntegerProperty counter, int increment) {
counter.set(counter.get() + increment);
Types of Events
In addition to the types listed below, there are a handful of very specific Event
types, like TreeTableView.EditEvent
, which are best examined in the context of an article about specific JavaFX Node
classes. The following are the common Event
types that you might need to deal with:
The ActionEvent
The ActionEvent
is probably the mostly commonly encountered event, as it’s the one that’s triggered by Buttons
and CheckBoxes
and their ilk. It’s also the simplest kind of event, as it doesn’t have any data beyond its Source
property. ActionEvents
are installed on Nodes
by calling their setOnAction()
Look at the samples from the EventHandlers
section above. These all show how an ActionEvent
triggers a handler that does work without any specific reference to the Event
that triggered it.
The MouseEvent
For MouseEvent
and KeyEvent
handlers, you are probably going to need to look at the Event
itself since there is information in the Event
which is going to be required in order to handle the Event
. There are a number of different types of MouseEvent
, and you can see the complete list in the JavaDocs.
“Drag and Drop” is a more complicated topic which requires its own article, so we’ll leave it for now.
Mouse Enter and Leave Events
These are the Events
that are generated when the cursor enters or leaves a Node
on the screen. There are two EventTypes
, each with two flavours. They are MOUSE_ENTERED
. The differences between the two flavours is only meaningful if you read and apply, “The Complicated Stuff”, below. Otherwise, you can use either flavour without seeing any differences in functionality.
Like most mouse based Events
, there’s probably a better way in JavaFX to do whatever you are trying to do with MOUSE_ENTERED
. The “hover” pseudo-class in CSS might do what you need, or maybe a ToolTip.
Mouse Click and Button Events
There are three types of Events
in this category, MouseClicked
, MousePressed
and MouseReleased
. MouseClick
is the Event
generated by a complete press-release cycle on a mouse button. The source is whatever Node
the cursor was over when the Event
The most common use for these MouseEvents
is when a Node
doesn’t have an OnAction()
method, or where you need to check for alternate mouse button usage. To that end, there are two important methods in the MouseEvent
- getButton()
- This will tell you which button was clicked/pressed/released. It is of type MouseButton, with the most important values being
. - getClickCount()
- This will tell you how many times the button was clicked to generate the
There are also methods to tell if <Ctrl>, <Alt>, <Shift> and a few other modifying keys were pressed when the Event
was generated.
The KeyEvent
are used to capture keystrokes that occur in a Node
. Just like the mouse based Events
, there are three kinds of events one for key pressed, one for key released and one for key typed - which is a press/release cycle on a key.
And also just like with mouse based Events
there are methods that will tell you if <Ctrl>, <Alt>, <Shift> and a few other modifying keys were pressed when the Event
was generated.
The main piece of information is the KeyCode
, from the getCode()
method in the KeyEvent
. It will return you a value that can be found in this JavaDocs page.
The WorkerStateEvent
are not called by Nodes
but by Tasks
and Services
which are generally used to run code on a background thread. For the most part, these Events
are used to get your code running back on the FXAT once the Task
has been completed.
How to deal with Tasks
and WorkerStateEvents
will be covered in its own article.
The WindowEvent
are triggered by Window
subclasses, the most important of which is Stage
. There are three basic classes of WindowEvent
types: Showing, Hiding and Closing. “Showing” and “Hiding” each have a before and after Event
, while “Closing” has a single type WINDOW_CLOSE_REQUEST
is arguably the most useful as it is triggered whenever an external element (including the user) attempts to close the window. If not consumed by an EventHandler
, this event will cause the window to close. The most common use of an EventHandler
here is to perform operations like checking for unsaved data, showing an “Are you sure?” alert and possibly interrupting the window close.
View EventHandler as a Trigger
The presence of an EventHandler
in your code seems to automatically make it more complex. Get your code out of the handle()
method as soon as possible. If possible, treat the EventHandler
as nothing more than a trigger to call some “regular” Java code outside of the EventHandler
There’s rarely a reason for an ActionEvent
handler to be anything other than an Expression Lambda
. If you need to do something more complicated, then call a method and pass it any parameters it might need. Other types of Events
may require a few lines of code to extract supplementary information from the Event
, but any involved processing should happen in some other method.
Don’t Write “Dispatch” Event Handlers
I don’t know if there is something about FXML that makes this necessary, or if it’s just copypasta from some early (bad) tutorial that’s become ubiquitous. There are also lots of articles and tutorials answering the question, “How do I know which button was clicked?”.
In this pattern (anti-pattern, actually), the idea is to treat the triggering Node
as data, extract it from the Event
and then use if
or switch
statements to determine what to do.
Now, take a look at this horrible code:
public class DispatchHandlerExample extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private final IntegerProperty count = new SimpleIntegerProperty(10);
private final EventHandler<ActionEvent> counter = new EventHandler<>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
Button button = ((Button) (event.getTarget()));
switch (button.getText()) {
case "Ten" -> count.set(count.get() + 10);
case "Twenty" -> count.set(count.get() + 20);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(createContent()));
private Region createContent() {
VBox results = new VBox(20);
Label countLabel = new Label();
countLabel.textProperty().bind(Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> Integer.toString(count.get()), count));
results.setPadding(new Insets(30));
Button buttonTen = new Button("Ten");
Button buttonTwenty = new Button("Twenty");
results.getChildren().addAll(countLabel, new HBox(10, buttonTen, buttonTwenty));
return results;
In this code there is just one EventHandler
for the screen and all of the triggered Events
are going to be funnelled through this single handler. The handler then figures out which Button
triggered it and it will then update the counter accordingly.
In this case, the Text
property of the Buttons
is being used to determine which button was clicked. The cast to Button
is problematic, also. It would also be possible to use Labeled
instead, but this still excludes any Control
that fires ActionEvent
but doesn’t implement Labeled
Shockingly, this is offered as a “good” method to achieve this in many tutorials, even though it creates a huge amounts of problems. It’s also possible to use the UserData
field of Node
to store a unique identifier which you can access from the EventHandler
. This still ties the EventType
to ActionEvent
, so if you wanted to trigger the increment some other way, like by detecting each time the mouse moved into a Node
, you’d need to create a new EventHandler
No matter how it’s done, this is the most complicated approach to implementing the button clicks.
Consider this instead:
public class NotDispatchHandlerExample extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private final IntegerProperty count = new SimpleIntegerProperty(10);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(createContent()));
private Region createContent() {
VBox results = new VBox(20);
Label countLabel = new Label();
countLabel.textProperty().bind(Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> Integer.toString(count.get()), count));
results.setPadding(new Insets(30));
Button buttonTen = new Button("Ten");
buttonTen.setOnAction(evt -> incrementCount(10));
Button buttonTwenty = new Button("Twenty");
buttonTwenty.setOnAction(evt -> incrementCount(20));
results.getChildren().addAll(countLabel, new HBox(10, buttonTen, buttonTwenty));
return results;
private void incrementCount(int increment) {
count.set(count.get() + increment);
So the correct answer to, “How do I know which button triggered an EventHandler?”, is “Because each button has its own, unique, EventHandler”
Don’t Pass EventHandlers Between Classes
This is an easy trap to fall into, especially if you’re trying to add structure to your application and implement MVC or some other framework that separates processing from the UI.
An EventHandler
is “processing”, right? So shouldn’t it be defined in the Controller and passed to the View?
Well, not so much.
An EventHandler
is a UI element which provides an interface to facilitate processing. It belongs in the View.
The Complicated Stuff
This part is at the bottom because you shouldn’t even read it if any of the information above confused you. 99% of the time you don’t need to know anything below this line, and you can happily build JavaFX applications without even being aware of it.
Generally speaking, the source of an Event
is usually the Node
at which the EventHandler
is defined. In other words, if you have, say, a Button
and you want to capture its ActionEvent
, you’ll call the setOnAction()
method of that Button
to install the EventHandler
But it doesn’t have to be done that way!
The Event Chain
In virtually any case where you are going to encounter Events
, the source of each Event
is going to be contained inside of something else. And that something else might be contained in another Node, and so on, with everything eventually contained inside of a Scene
which is in turn, contained inside a Stage
Now, any number of those containing objects can have an EventHandler
installed to respond to any Event
generated by any of the Nodes
contained inside them.
It’s even possible that one of those Nodes
can swallow up the Event
so that it never triggers the source Node's
The documentation makes a big deal about “Target Selection Phase”, but you can probably just assume that the “target” is going to be the source Node
. It’s a fair bet.
Event Capturing Phase
The Event
is actually passed to the containing Stage
first, then to the Scene
and then to the root Node
of the Scene
. After that it is passed to through the levels of containers until it reaches the target Node
. Each one of those Nodes
might have an EventHandler
that would respond to the Event
For the “Event Capturing Phase”, the EventHandlers
are installed on the Nodes
using the addEventFilter()
method. A Node can have multiple EventFilters
defined, and each EventFilter
specifies the type of Event
to which it will respond.
To make matters more complicated, the handlers for EventFilters
use the same interface, EventHandler
. You’ll see how this is confusing in the next section…
Event Bubbling Phase
If you image the “Event Capturing Phase” as travelling down the containing Nodes
from the top, the “Event Bubbling Phase” is the reverse (I guess it “bubbles up”, back to the Stage
). Starting with the target Node
, it’s EventHandler
will be executed (if there is one), and then the Event
is passed to the Node
containing the target, and so on, right back up to the Stage
For the “Event Bubbling Phase”, EventHandlers
are installed on Nodes
using the addEventHandler()
and setEventHandler()
, as well methods like setOnAction()
. If the target Node
has both an EventFilter
and an EventHandler
, the EventFilter
will be executed first.
An Example
public class ChainedEvents extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private final StringProperty text = new SimpleStringProperty("");
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
Scene scene = new Scene(createScene());
scene.addEventFilter(Event.ANY, evt -> logHandler("Filter", "Scene", evt));
scene.addEventHandler(Event.ANY, evt -> logHandler("Handler", "Scene", evt));
primaryStage.addEventFilter(Event.ANY, evt -> logHandler("Filter", "Stage", evt));
primaryStage.addEventHandler(Event.ANY, evt -> logHandler("Handler", "Stage", evt));
private Region createScene() {
BorderPane results = new BorderPane();
addHandlers(results, "BorderPane");
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
textArea.setStyle("-fx-font-family: 'monospaced';");
Button button = new Button("Click Me!");
addHandlers(button, "Button");
StackPane stackPane = new StackPane(button);
addHandlers(stackPane, "StackPane");
return results;
private void addHandlers(Node node, String name) {
node.addEventFilter(Event.ANY, evt -> logHandler("Filter", name, evt));
node.addEventHandler(Event.ANY, evt -> logHandler("Handler", name, evt));
private void logHandler(String handlerType, String name, Event event) {
if (event.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED))
if (event.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET))
if (event.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED_TARGET))
String time = LocalTime.now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("hh:mm:ss:SSS"));
String className = event.getTarget().getClass().getSimpleName();
String formatted = String.format("%-13s %-15s %-20s %-10s %-15s", time, name, event.getEventType(), handlerType, className);
text.set(formatted + "\n" + text.get());
Which looks like this, when it runs and button is clicked:
This is what’s going on here:
We have a Stage
which holds a Scene
which holds a BorderPane
which holds a StackPane
which holds a Button
. That’s the chain of containers from the top down to the ActionEvent
source. There are EventFilters
and EventHandlers
on every one of those objects, so that we can see how the Events
are propagated and handled. The output in the TextArea
is in reverse chronological order.
You should notice:
- There’s a lot of
, not just theButton ActionEvent
. - The code to remove the mouse movement
was necessary to prevent there being just too much output. - At 5:27:58 the chain for the click on the
starts, withMOUSE_PRESSED
caught by theStage
filter. - The
Button ActionEvent
starts when the mouse button is released. - The
handler on theButton
seems to happen after theActionEvent
has been handled by all of the objects. - There are three mouse based
. They appear to be independent from theButton's
. - All of mouse based
appear to be consumed by theEventHandler
on theButton
, since they don’t bubble up any further. - The mouse based
all have a target ofLabeledText
. This is because I clicked right on the middle of theButton
, on the words “Click Me!”.Button
is just aRegion
and it containsNodes
inside it to hold the contents. The mouse clicks targeted these innerNodes
. - Look at the
. The mouse enters all of the Nodes fromScene
in one movement, and it seems to handle each of those separately, without passing through a successively longer chain for each source, which makes sense.
Event Consumption
The last twist is that any one of those EventFilters
or EventHandlers
on any of those Nodes
can invoke the consume()
method on the Event
and swallow it up. This prevents any other Nodes
further along the “Capture” and “Bubbling” phases from seeing the Event
I took the code above and changed this line:
scene.addEventFilter(Event.ANY, evt -> logHandler("Filter", "Scene", evt));
scene.addEventFilter(Event.ANY, evt -> {
logHandler("Filter", "Scene", evt);
if (evt.getEventType().equals(ActionEvent.ACTION)) {
This will cause the Scene
to consume the ActionEvent
in the “Event Capturing Phase”, so that the Event
never gets to the Button
(or anything contained in the Stage
The output now looks like this:
Which is what you would expect. All of the Events
propagate through all of the Nodes
except the ActionEvent
from the Button
which is seen by just the Stage
, and then the Scene
, which consumes it.
There are some practical applications of this technique. But if you are building a standard desktop business application and your design depends on deep understanding of “Event Capturing and Bubbling Up” you’re probably deep in the weeds and heading in the wrong direction. Chances are you don’t know about some feature of JavaFX that you should be using instead. You should look for alternatives.