
In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the Observable classes designed to wrap aribitrary Object values. In this article we are going to move on to the typed Observable classes and interfaces. We’ll look at how they are different from the generic types, and how to deal with compatibility issues between the two.

If you haven’t read Part 1 of this series, you should probably go and do that now, as the information in this article will make more sense to you.

The Typed Classes and Interfaces

There are 6 sets of typed Observable classes and interfaces. The each deal with one of the following types:

  1. String
  2. Boolean
  3. Integer
  4. Double
  5. Long
  6. Float

We don’t need to look at all of them because they break down into two groups: The numeric types, and the non-numeric types. We will look at just one type from each group, String for the non-numeric and Integer for the numeric. The non-numeric is simpler, so we’ll start with that:

String Observables

The String types are a little bit more interesting to look at than Boolean because the Fluent API library for String is larger. So we’ll use String as our example type for a deep dive. Here’s the chart:

String Properties

Here you can see that all of the generic <T>’s have been replaced with <String>. Understand, though, that there is no interface called ObservableValue<String>, it’s just ObservableValue<T> with the <T> resolved as a <String>. The same holds true for all of the other entries on the chart defined with <String>.

The Interfaces

We’ll start with the interfaces. Some of the descriptions are a little bit stripped down from what you’ll see in Part 1. I want this article to be complete within itself, but I don’t want to repeat a lot of information that you can find in Part 1.

Observable & ObservableValue<String>

At the top of the chart, you’ll find the interface, Observable. You’ll notice that it is not typed at all, it’s not even a generic. That’s because all of its methods do not deal with data.

This is the root for all of the other classes and interfaces, but it’s really quite simple and only defines three methods: addListener(), removeListener() and subscribe(). These are all related to the process called “Invalidation”.

The next interface down is ObservableValue<String>, which extends Observable. The key method in this interface is ObservableValue.getValue(), which allows us to actually read the value and will re-validate the Observable.

Now that we can read the value we can have the methods related to ChangeListeners, including those related to Subscriptions. The other methods it adds are the map() and flatMap() methods used for transforming an ObservableValue into a different ObservableValue.

There is also the ObservableObjectValue<String> interface, which introduces the get() method, which at this point is effectively identical to getValue().


ObservableStringValue adds no new methods and simply extends ObservableObjectValue<String>. Essentially, you can use these two interfaces interchangeably.

However, if you are writing code that deals with the specific String Observables using ObservableStringValue might give a more consistent feel to the code.

ReadOnlyProperty<String> & WritableValue<String>

These are the two parent interfaces for all of the Property classes.

ReadOnlyProperty<String> simply introduces the getBean() and getName() methods. These are presumably meaningful methods if you are serializing your Properties.

The interface WritableValue<String> gives us the setValue() method. Now we can actually put something into an Observable!

WritableObjectValue<String> and WritableStringValue

WritabaleStringValue is an extension of WritableObjectValue<String> that adds no methods. So you can treat it as a synonym for WritableObjectValue<String>.

These two classes add the set() method, which, for String types is identical to setValue().


The Property interface extends the previous two interfaces and adds the ability to bind to other observables. We get bind() and bindBidirectional(), and their corresponding unbinding methods. Also there is the isBound() method that will tell us if the Property has been bound to something.


Binding<String> is the last interface on the chart. It extendsObservableValue<String> adding a method to force the Binding to invalidate, a method to check if the Binding is valid and a method to get the dependencies of the Binding.

The Classes

Everything else on the chart is a class, let’s take a look at them.


This is the root class for all of the Property<String> classes, even though the diagram goes diagonally down to ObjectProperty<String>. Note that StringExpression is a drop-in replacement for ObjectExpression from Part I and does not extend or implement ObjectExpression

This is the only class in the chart that introduces new concrete methods that don’t implement methods already defined by any of the interfaces in the chart.


StringExpression is where this chart really diverges from the generic chart. Every class that inherits from StringExpression is fundamentally different from the generic equivalent.

This class provides the core functionality for the “Fluent API” for creating String bindings. StringExpression is an abstract class that implements a number of String related operations such as concat() and length() and isEmpty() in an Observable fashion. We also have methods for equality, inequality, greater than, less than, greater than or equal, less than or equal, and checking for a Null value, each of which creates a BooleanBinding.

There’s also a method called getValueSafe(). It returns a String and will return an empty String if the value in the StringExpression is null.

It is StringExpression that lets you do things like this:

  var label = Label()
  label.textProperty().bind(model.lastNameProperty().concat(", ").concat(model.firstNameProperty()))

This inclusion of StringExpression in the class hierarchy is what makes ObjectProperty<String> different from StringProperty. The code snippet above assumes that model.lastNameProperty() is a StringProperty, not an ObjectProperty<String>. Because the latter wouldn’t work because ObjectExpression (which is the base class for ObjectProperty does not define concat().


This class extends StringExpression and implements ReadOnlyProperty. This class can also be thought of as very much like ReadOnlyProperty but with the ability to use the Fluent API with it to create bindings.


The best way to think about StringProperty is an implementation of Property<String> but, since it inherits from StringExpression through ReadOnlyStringProperty, also has the methods for creating bindings via the Fluent API. However, it only has implementations for bidirectional binding and setting the value.

This is, however, a great class to declare your instantiated Properties as. Like this:

val someProperty : StringProperty = SimpleStringProperty("abc")


This class adds almost all the remaining methods defined in the various interfaces up hierarchy. We get methods to bind and unbind, add and remove Listeners and a get() method.

The methods that are missing are the two silly Java Bean related methods. This is the class that you probably want to extend from if you want to create your own StringProperty classes, especially if you want to ignore Java Bean stuff as much you can.


This is the only class in the chart that you can directly instantiate, so everybody is familiar with it. It adds the getBean() and getName() methods and the infrastructure and constructors to set their values.

ReadOnlyStringPropertyBase and ReadOnlyStringWrapper

ReadOnlyStringPropertyBase is very similar to StringPropertyBase in that it is an abstract class that has almost all of the interface methods implemented except for the “Bean” methods. It’s also missing the get() method.

The only “only out of the box” implementation of ReadOnlyStringPropertyBase is contained in ReadOnlyStringWrapper. This is a fairly involved topic that was covered in depth here in Part I.


This is the sole class on the Binding side of the chart, and it’s abstract and it extends StringExpression. Any utility (including the Fluent API) that creates String Bindings will do so by extending from this class.

It doesn’t add any new public methods but there are a few protected methods that are the framework for custom Binding classes. We get bind() and unbind() to start with. We also get allowValidation(), onInvalidating() and isObserved(). There is one abstract method, and that’s computeValue() which is also protected.

The intention is clear about the standard use case for custom classes extended from StringBinding. It’s that the Observables to be bound are defined when the class is instantiated and that you’ll also define a computeValue() method that will use those bound values to determine the return value of any calls to get() or getValue().


Note that computeValue() is only called when a call is made to get() or getValue() when the Binding has been invalidated.

Since StringBinding extends from StringExpression you can use the Fluent API to modify the results or combine it with other StringExpressions.

Compatibility Issues

The main difference between the entries on this chart and the one for the generic Observables is that ObjectExpression has been swapped out for StringExpression. These two classes have different methods, which will create some type incompatibilities.

However, it turns out that you can fairly freely mix and match StringProperty and ObjectProperty<String> in bindings without a lot of problems.

This is mostly because the bind() method in ObjectPropertyBase<String> takes an ObservableValue<? extends String>, while StringPropertyBase.bind() also takes ObservableValue<? extends String>. And of course, both classes implement ObservableValue<String>.

You can even put a ObjectProperty<String> as a parameter in the Fluent API methods and it will work without a hitch. Generally speaking, the Fluent API methods will accept primitive classes as well as Observable classes, but obviously won’t trigger an invalidation if a primitive value changes. Internally, a dependency is created if the parameter is an instance of ObservableValue. Which of course, ObjectProperty<String> is.

However, ObjectProperty<String> and StringProperty are not type compatible as method parameter declarations. Unless you are planning on using the Fluent API do not create your method parameters as StringProperty. The same goes for ObjectProperty<String> although you’re probably not going to be using the methods from ObjectExpression over StringExpression. Specify your parameters as Property<String> and it will accept both ObjectProperty<String> and StringProperty.

Number Types

This is the most confusing part of the entire discussion. JavaFX utilizes the standard Java class called Number to create a framework for all of the numeric Observables. I’m not sure what this adds, other than a layer of complexity, but it’s a layer that you can’t ignore.

Number is an abstract class that is the super-class of all of the “boxed” number types in Java. For intstance, Integer (as opposed to int) is a subclass of Number. Number defines a set of methods that deal with conversion between the various subtypes of Number.

The Number types of Observables share many of the same differences from the generic Observables as the String types do. So in this section we’re going to concentrate on the extra complexity that comes from using Number for all of these variants.

All four of the numeric types work the same way. Let’s look at the chart for Integer:

Integer Chart

The Generically Defined Types

The generic classes in this chart all resolve to <Number>, not <Integer>. So IntegerProperty implements Property<Number>, not Property<Integer>. This means that if you have an instance of ObjectProperty<Integer> it is not type compatible with IntegerProperty. This can be a source of frustration.

ObservableNumberValue & ObservableIntegerValue

The ObservableNumberValue interface extends ObservableValue<Number>, which gives it the Listener, mapping and Subscription methods. Its getValue() method returns Number.

Additionally, it has type specific getValue() equivalents: doubleValue(), floatValue(), intValue() and longValue().

ObservableIntegerValue extends ObservableNumberValue() and adds one method, get(). However ObservableIntegerValue.get() returns int not Number.

This is very significant.

This is the first example that we’ve seen where get() returns a different value from getValue(). This suggests to me, that when you are retrieving the value from a numeric Observable, you can largely ignore their <Number> nature if you just use get() all the time instead getValue().

Also, ObservableBooleanValue.get() returns boolean instead of Boolean returned from ObseravbleBooleanValue.getValue(). It’s a smaller change, but still a difference.

WritableNumberValue & WritableIntegerValue

WritableNumberValue is what the JavaDocs describe as a “tagging interface”. It has no methods defined, and simply appears to be a common ancestor for the numeric Writable{Type}Value interfaces.

WritableIntegerValue is a parallel to ObservableIntegerValue but for writing. We have a difference between the two setters, as WritableIntegerValue.set() takes an int, while the setValue() method takes Number.


Unlike ObjectExpression and StringExpression, NumberExpression is an interface, not a class. It defines methods for the four basic math operations - add, subtract, multiply and divide - and these operations all return a NumberBinding. Additionally, it defines a number of comparison methods, all of which return BooleanBinding. There’s also asString() which returns a StringBinding.

For the math operations, each method is overloaded to take 5 possible parameter types. The first four are non-Obseravble number classes: double, int,long and float. The fifth is for ObservableNumberValue. Regardless of the parameter type, you always get a NumberBinding (which we haven’t seen yet) in return.


This is our first class on the binding side of the chart, and this is abstract and partially implements NumberExpression.

This class has concrete implementations of all of the comparison methods, and for the numeric operation methods taking ObservableNumberValue as a parameter. In other words, you’ll find add(ObservableNumberValue other), but not add(int other), or add(double other).


Another abstract class, IntegerExpression supplies all of the concrete implementations of the methods defined in NumberExpression that are not implemented in NumberExpressionBase. However, it returns values that match the type of the result of the operation.

This means that IntegerExpression.add(int other) will return a IntegerBinding instead of a NumberBinding.

Also, this class has asObject() which returns a linked ObjectExpression<Integer>. More on this later.

NumberBinding & IntegerBinding

NumberBinding is another “tagging” interface. It has no methods, but extends Binding<Number> and NumberExpression.

IntegerBinding, just like StringBinding is an abstract class that provides the starting point for any custom Bindings that you want to write, but for Integer values. Note though, that it implements Binding<Number> and ObservableValue<Number>, not Binding<Integer> and ObservableValue<Integer>.

Using this Information

At this point you should have a handle on when and how to use both the generic and the typed Observable classes. What are the some of the factors you need to keep in mind when using both the generic and the typed Obsevables?

Converting Between Generic and Typed Properties

As we’ve seen IntegerProperty implements Property<Number>, not Property<Integer>. This means that it also implements ObservableValue<Number>.

And that means that you cannot pass IntegerProperty as a parameter when Property<Integer> or ObservableValue<Integer> is required.

This quickly becomes frustrating.

Fortunately all of the Property<Number> implementations have a function called asObject(). For IntegerProperty this will return you a Property<Integer> that is bidirectionally bound to your IntegerProperty. It’s not the same object cast differently, but an actual new object that’s bidirectionally bound to the original.

All of these typed classes also have a static method that does the reverse. For instance, DoubleProperty has a method called doubleProperty(). You pass it a Property<Double> and it gives you back a new DoubleProperty that is bidirectionally bound to the original Property<Double>. This goes for StringExpression and BooleanExpression

Knowing about this makes any issues about whether or not to use typed or generic Properties a lot less critical. You can very easily convert from one to the other when required.

Fluent API

The Fluent API is delivered via the {Type}Expression classes, and is the main motivation to use typed Observable classes over the generic ones.

Since the introduction of in JFX 19, a lot of the utility in the Fluent API is a bit less compelling, since map() is simpler to use because the Function passed to it is just Java (or Kotlin) code. What cannot do, however, is to combine multiple Observables together as dependencies.

I find the Fluent API to be fine when the transformations are fairly simple. But when the operations start to get long and involved, then the Fluent API tends to become less clear. And if it’s less clear, then it’s more likely to be the source of a bug or cause headaches in maintenance. In those cases, it can be better to use a static methods from the Bindings class, or to create a Binding by extending one of the {Type}Binding classes.

In my opinion, then, the use case for the Fluent API is fairly narrow: Simple transformations involving two or more Observables.

Not that this is uncommon. Use cases like this happen all the time:

val fullName : ObservableValue<String> = lastNameProperty.concat(", ").concat(firstNameProperty)

It’s hard to think of an easier, cleaner way to do this. However…

val nameString : ObservableValue<String> ={"The last name is $it"}

Cannot be performed via the Fluent API alone and you would have to otherwise use the Bindings library:

val nameString : ObservableValue<String> = Bindings.concat("The last name is ").concat(lastNameProperty)

Note that the first concat() is from Bindings and the second is from StringExpression.

You can combine with the Fluent API:

val nameString : ObservableValue<String> = lastNameProperty.concat(", ").concat(firstNameProperty).map{"The full name is $it"}

But the map() call has to come at the end, because it returs ObservableValue<String> which doesn’t support the Fluent API. If you really did want to do it the other way:

val nameString : ObservableValue<String> = StringExpression.stringExpression({"The full name is $it,"}).concat(firstNameProperty)

But, honestly, that seems like a lot of work.

Method Overloading

In Java, you cannot overload methods where the signatures only differ by the types of their enclosed generics. For instance this code will fail to compile:

fun doSomething(param1 : Property<String>) {

fun doSomething(param1: Property<Int>) {

You get an error that says something about “erasure” and non-unique signatures. What you can do instead is this:

fun doSomething(param1 : StringProperty) {

fun doSomething(param1: IntegerProperty) {

This will work just fine. This is the second reason that you might want to use the typed Observable classes.

Dealing With Node Properties

You should be aware that virtually all of the JavaFX Nodes expose their Properties as typed Properties whenever possible. For instance, Region.widthProperty() will return a ReadOnlyDoubleProperty while, Region.paddingProperty() will return ObjectProperty<Insets>.

This makes sense, since, as a general purpose API, they would want to provide the most “out of the box” functionality, and returning Properties that can be used in the Fluent API without any conversion seems like the way to go. You’ll have to decide for yourself if this would influence the way that you declare your own Properties.

There are a few places in the JavaFX API where it’s hard to avoid understanding some of the nuances about the typed classes versus the generic classes. For instance, TextFormatter<Integer> has a method valueProperty() that returns ObjectProperty<Integer>, which is going to give you issues if you try to bidirectionally bind it with an IntegerProperty in your Model.

When to Use ReadOnly{Type}Property

If you look at the JavaDocs for Region you’ll see that Region.widthProperty() returns ReadOnlyDoubleProperty, because they are using ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper internally and want widthProperty() to return a truly “read only” object. This pattern is repeated frequently through the JavaFX library.

I think that most programmers are used to dealing with ReadOnly{Type}Property as return values from the JavaFX API, and probably don’t even know about {Type}Expression, even though these two class categories differ only in support for the Java Bean methods.

At the end of the day, ReadOnlyDoubleProperty does no harm. Yes, you’re giving/taking more than you need to, but that extra functionality is trivial and meaningless, so there’s really no added coupling to worry about. Nobody is ever going to call those two extra methods.

So, go with the flow and just use ReadOnly{Type}Property when you need something bind-able through the Fluent API

Avoid Calling getValue()

Unless you want Number (and who does?), there’s no advantage to calling getValue() on any Observable object. Just use get() instead and you can largely ignore the differences between typed numeric Obsevables and the object versions.


When I started out in JavaFX I used IntegerProperty, DoubleProperty, StringProperty and BooleanProperty virtually exclusively. I never thought much about ObjectProperty<T> at all. Eventually I became aware of ObjectProperty<T> and it wasn’t clear to me how it was any better or worse than the typed Properties.

At some point I considered the typed Properties to be mostly convenience classes, that just made it a bit easier to declare stuff without all those angle brackets. Later, I started to encounter occasional issues stemming from IntegerProperty implementing Property<Number> and not Property<Integer>. At that point I started to view these as inconvenience classes. I never had the same issues with StringProperty or BooleanProperty, though.

I’m not a big user of the Fluent API, and I went through a period when I didn’t really use the typed Properties at all. But there are still those times when the API forces you to contend with the typed Properties as most of the Node Properties are defined this way.

However, through years of learning more about this, I’ve always used StringProperty and BooleanProperty over the generic Properties. This is because you don’t ever the encounter the issues created by Property<Number>.

Presently I lean towards just using the typed Properties unless there is a good reason not to. Here’s why:

  • People are used to them, even if they don’t understand them.
  • The standard JavaFX Nodes are going to give them to you.
  • 99% of the time, it just doesn’t matter
    You’ll probably end up binding a DoubleProperty to a DoubleProperty anyway.
  • It’s trivial to convert when you need it.

The biggest remaining issue is defining parameters for your methods. If you just need an Observable value to bind to something else without using the Fluent API, then you don’t need anything more than ObseravbleValue<T>. If you define the parameter as ObservableValue<Double> then it won’t accept DoubleProperty. Can you get away with ObservableValue<Number>? If you can, then client code can pass you DoubleProperty. But if you really, really to need deal with it as ObservableValue<Double>, then the client code can pass you DoupbleProperty.asObject().

