
An interesting question come up on the Reddit JavaFX subreddit recently. Someone was having issues with capturing the value from a ComboBox once the user had “locked in” their selection by hitting <Enter> or tabbing away from the ComboBox.

The key difficulty is that ComboBox doesn’t have any explicit signal for a “locked-in” selection. There’s no ActionEvent fired at lock-in, and no separate Property to hold a locked-in value.

So, how do you tell when a value has been locked-in?

It turns out that the visibility of the pop-up ListView of the ComboBox is the determiner. If the pop-up ListView (let’s just call it the “pop-up” from now on) is showing, then the value hasn’t been locked in. If they tab away or hit <Enter> then the pop-up disappears and the value stays the same and can be considered “locked-in”.

The question is, how do you differentiate in your application between a transient editing value and the locked in value when you are binding this value to the rest of your GUI or to your Model?

This is problematic because, if you have your GUI dynamically responding to changes in the selected value - perhaps making different parts of your GUI visible or invisible, or changing the content of Labels - you might not want these changes to happen due to transient, un-locked-in, values in the ComboBox.

Actions and Values

In general, you have three mechanisms to make your JavaFX GUI respond dynamcially:

These are usually invoked through Events which are “fired” in certain conditions. Actions are good when you want to capture, “something happened”, and are implemented via EventHandlers.
JavaFX values are usually enclosed in Observable wrapper classes that allow other elements of the GUI to respond to changes in their value. The main mechanism to implement this approach is Bindings.
It is also possible to turn a change in the value contained in an Observable object into an action. This is done via a Listener or a Subscription.

I think it’s important to understand that there are some things that are fundamentally “actions” just by their nature. When a user clicks on a Button, that’s definitely an action and is probably best treated in your application as an action.

But there are lots of other things that might be actions but also might be just a data change. A user clicking on a CheckBox is an example of this. Yes, there’s clearly a user action taking place, but the main result might simply be that the selectedProperty() of the CheckBox has changed.

The point is that you need to be intentional in your programming. If you need to run some business logic when the user clicks on a CheckBox then you can put an EventHandler on the Checkbox's onAction Event. However, if you take this approach, then your business logic won’t run if you change the value in the CheckBox prgrammatically, or through a bidirectional Binding. That may be okay if your intention is to respond to a user interaction with the GUI. If you need to run your business logic whenever the value in the CheckBox changes, then maybe a Subscription is a better idea.

However, capturing an Event to trigger an action that simply copies data from one ObservableValue to another is probably going to be the wrong approach. In those cases, you’re better off using a Binding to link the two ObservableValues together.

But sometimes, the connection between the two ObservableValues seems to be too complicated to use a Binding. And that’s what we’re going to talk about here…

The ComboBox Scenario

Before we talk about solutions, we need to see the problem in action and understand what causes it. So here’s a simple application that demonstrates the problem:

class ComboBoxTest1 : Application() {
    override fun start(stage: Stage) {
        stage.scene = Scene(createContent(), 400.0, 400.0)

    private fun createContent(): Region = VBox(20.0).apply {
        val model = Model()
        children += Label().apply {
            textProperty().bind( { "The current value in the ComboBox: $it" })
        children += ComboBox(model.valueList).apply {
        padding = Insets(40.0)

class Model {
    val testValue = SimpleObjectProperty<String>("")
    val valueList: ObservableList<String> =
        FXCollections.observableArrayList("abc", "abj", "def", "hij", "mno", "xyz", "123", "456")

fun main() = Application.launch(

The textProperty() of the Label is bound to the testValue Property of the Model which is bound to the valueProperty() of the ComboBox.

The result looks like this:

You can see how the value in the Label changes as the user scrolls through the values using the up and down keys. But, as we’ve already discussed, these “values” while the pop-up is expanded are transient and you might not want them to cause dynamic changes to your GUI.

Detecting the “Final” Value

There are two ways to make a selection in a ComboBox. When you use the keyboard and hit <Enter> or click on a selection with the mouse.

Unfortunately, there is no Property in ComboBox that says, “The selection has been confirmed by the user”. Nor is there an Event that is fired that says, “The selection has been confirmed by the user”.

What does happen, however, is that the pop-up ListView disappears. And there are two Events for that; onHiding and onHidden. The first fires just before it hides the pop-up, and the second fires just after it hides the pop-up.

This means that we can capture something related to the user confirming their selection. So let’s try that:

class ComboBoxTest2 : Application() {
    override fun start(stage: Stage) {
        stage.scene = Scene(createContent(), 400.0, 400.0)

    private fun createContent(): Region = VBox(20.0).apply {
        val model = Model2()
        children += Label().apply {
            textProperty().bind( { "The current value in the ComboBox: $it" })
        children += ComboBox(model.valueList).apply {
            setOnHidden { model.testValue.value = value }
        padding = Insets(40.0)

class Model2 {
    val testValue = SimpleObjectProperty<String>("")
    val valueList: ObservableList<String> =
        FXCollections.observableArrayList("abc", "abj", "def", "hij", "mno", "xyz", "123", "456")

fun main() = Application.launch(

This looks like it works:

There is a Problem With This Approach

The origin of the problem is that ComboBox doesn’t really support the idea of a “locked-in” selection. The idea that if the pop-up is expanded, then user is still in the process of making a selection is a bit of a kludge.

This approach seems to work. However, look at this:

Oh no!

It turns out that the user can use the up and down arrow keys to change the selection without expanding the pop-up. In this case, we have no onHidden Event to capture the lock-in, and we never update our Model with the selected value. Additionally, if we change the value programmatically while the pop-up is closed, then it won’t update the Model either.

This points out a fundamental difference between programming to events vs programming to state. Events can be missed- or never happen - and then your data can get out of sync. Programming to state doesn’t have this problem.

So how can we turn this into a “State” approach?

ComboBox gives us two Properties that we can use: showing and value. We only want to update our Model when either one of the two situations occurs:

  1. When the value changes while showing is false.
  2. When showing changes from true to false.

We can do this with two Subscriptions, one on each Property:

Multiple Subscriptions

Here’s the code:

class ComboBoxTest3 : Application() {
    override fun start(stage: Stage) {
        stage.scene = Scene(createContent(), 400.0, 400.0)

    private fun createContent(): Region = VBox(20.0).apply {
        val model = Model3()
        children += Label().apply {
            textProperty().bind( { "The current value in the ComboBox: $it" })
        children += ComboBox(model.valueList).apply {
            showingProperty().subscribe { newVal -> if (!newVal) model.testValue.value = value }
            valueProperty().subscribe { newVal -> if (!isShowing) model.testValue.value = newVal }
        padding = Insets(40.0)

class Model3 {
    val testValue = SimpleObjectProperty<String>("")
    val valueList: ObservableList<String> =
        FXCollections.observableArrayList("abc", "abj", "def", "hij", "mno", "xyz", "123", "456")

fun main() = Application.launch(

And this works as you would expect:

The biggest problem that I have with this approach is that it overtly takes state changes and turns them into actions in order to update the Model. Surely this is something better done with a Binding.

The next issue that I have with this approach is that it needs to be defined in a scope that has access to both the Model and the properties of the ComboBox. You could, however, put it in a method and pass the Model field, and the two ComboBox Properties to it.

Finally, it’s really hard to generalize this, and it virtually needs to be defined as part of the layout. It’s also hard to create the relationship between the value and showing without having a Model to connect them to.

Maybe there’s a better way to do this…

Creating a Conditional Binding

It is possile to create a Binding that has dependencies on two different ObservableValues. As a matter of fact, we do this all the time, and it’s easy to do. The problem is that Bindings don’t have any way to say “Don’t change anything” in their output. So, if the value property changes while showing is true then how do we say, “Do nothing”?

Here’s how:

class ConditionalBinding<T>(
    private val dependency: ObservableValue<T?>,
    private val condition: ObservableBooleanValue
) : ObjectBinding<T?>() {

    init {
        super.bind(dependency, condition)

    private var oldValue: T? = null

    override fun computeValue(): T? {
        if (condition.value) {
            oldValue = dependency.value
        return oldValue

Let’s look at how this works…

First, we’ve introduced an internal field, oldValue of the same type as the generic type of the ConditionalBinding.

Secondly, in the computeValue() method, which is the method that we’re used to using to create custom Binding classes, we have some logic that updates oldValue based on the two conditions described above.

Finally, computeValue() will always return whatever is in oldValue, regardless of whether or not it has been updated.

And we can use it like this:

class ComboBoxTest4 : Application() {
    override fun start(stage: Stage) {
        stage.scene = Scene(createContent(), 400.0, 400.0)

    private fun createContent(): Region = VBox(20.0).apply {
        val model = Model4()
        children += Label().apply {
            textProperty().bind( { "The current value in the ComboBox: $it" })
        children += ComboBox(model.valueList).apply {
            model.testValue.bind(ConditionalBinding(valueProperty(), showingProperty().not()))
        padding = Insets(40.0)

class Model4 {
    val testValue = SimpleObjectProperty<String>("")
    val valueList: ObservableList<String> =
        FXCollections.observableArrayList("abc", "abj", "def", "hij", "mno", "xyz", "123", "456")

fun main() = Application.launch(

This functions exactly the same way that the two Subscription version does.

However, you can see that the mechanics of it are completely hidden from the layout, and that we can instantiate the ConditionalBinding without any reference to the Observable that it will be bound to - just like any other Binding. In fact, we could instantiate to a variable without binding it to anything at all - from that point on we could treat it like any other ObservableValue.

Furthermore, now that we’ve decided that this is how we want to handle ComboBox, we can put this stuff into a library and forget all about it, like this:

fun <T : Any> ComboBox<T>.getConditionBinding() = ConditionalBinding(valueProperty(), showingProperty().not())

infix fun <T : Any> ComboBox<T>.conditionallyBind(boundProperty: ObjectProperty<T>) = apply {

These are extension functions, which in Kotlin allow us to add new methods to an existing class without formally extending it. In this case, we’re adding two new functions to ComboBox, but you could do the same thing in Java by creating static methods that accept a ComboBox as a parameter. Kotlin just makes it easier and cleaner.

The first extension function just creates a ConditionalBinding based on the ComboBox, and the other is a decorator that creates a ConditionalBinding and binds it to a Property. The infix notation allows us to use it without enclosing the parameter in brackets and without prefixing it with a ..

Now our code looks like this:

class ComboBoxTest5 : Application() {
    override fun start(stage: Stage) {
        stage.scene = Scene(createContent(), 400.0, 400.0)

    private fun createContent(): Region = VBox(20.0).apply {
        val model = Model5()
        children += Label().apply {
            textProperty().bind( { "The current value in the ComboBox: $it" })
        children += ComboBox(model.valueList) conditionallyBind model.testValue
        padding = Insets(40.0)

class Model5 {
    val testValue = SimpleObjectProperty<String>("")
    val valueList: ObservableList<String> =
        FXCollections.observableArrayList("abc", "abj", "def", "hij", "mno", "xyz", "123", "456")

fun main() = Application.launch(

You can see here that we’ve completely removed all of the “plumbing” related to the Binding out of the layout code. We have a library that now includes a custom Binding class, and two extension functions that make any ComboBox that we use work as close as we can to the way that we expect it to work without customizing ComboBox itself. And it doesn’t clutter up our layout at all.

Bindings With State

If you are like me, you’ve never thought of Bindings as anything more than connective tissue to join together various ObservableValues in your GUI and your Model.

But this ConditionalBinding is different. It doesn’t just say, “Manipulate these values as they change to create a new changing value”.

It has it’s own, hidden, “State”. That’s the oldValue field. And this changes everything.

Let’s be clear, this is still a Binding and, as such, it’s job remains to respond to changes in its dependencies and potentially calculate a new value in response to changes in those dependencies. But now you can do different things.

A Change Counter

Let’s try adding an extra Label that shows how many times the value in the ComboBox has had locked-in changes. We can create a custom Binding like this:

class CountingBinding<T>(private val dependency: ObservableObjectValue<T?>) : IntegerBinding() {

    init {

    private var oldValue: T? = dependency.value
    private var counter = 0

    override fun computeValue(): Int {
        if (oldValue != dependency.value) {
            oldValue = dependency.value
        return counter

We have to be careful here. The Binding will potentially recompute every time that the dependencies are invalidated - not every time that it changes. So if we want to track changes, then we need to weed out the invalidations that don’t represent changes to the value. So to do this, we introduce an oldValue field, and compare the current value to it (and potentially update it) in computeValue(). The counter field keeps track of how many times the value has changed.

We can use it like this:

class ComboBoxTest6 : Application() {
    override fun start(stage: Stage) {
        stage.scene = Scene(createContent(), 400.0, 400.0)

    private fun createContent(): Region = VBox(20.0).apply {
        val model = Model6()
        children += Label().apply {
            textProperty().bind( { "The current value in the ComboBox: $it" })
        children += Label().apply {
            textProperty().bind(CountingBinding(model.testValue).map { "Has changed $it times" })
        children += ComboBox(model.valueList) conditionallyBind model.testValue
        padding = Insets(40.0)

class Model6 {
    val testValue = SimpleObjectProperty<String>()
    val valueList: ObservableList<String> =
        FXCollections.observableArrayList("abc", "abj", "def", "hij", "mno", "xyz", "123", "456")

fun main() = Application.launch(

And it does what you would expect it to. The counter increments every time that model.testValue changes.

One thing to note is that Model6.testValue is now initialized with a null value. That’s because, when it’s bound to the ComboBox its initial value is set to null and if we want to avoid starting off with a non-zero counter we need to avoid the first change from “” to null.

The really interesting thing about this Binding is that it doesn’t return anything that you could consider a manipulation of the values passed to it via its dependencies. It’s something completely unique.

Another thing you could do is to expand our class to be more than just a Binding. Let’s add a reset() function to it:

class CountingBinding2<T>(private val dependency: ObservableObjectValue<T?>) : IntegerBinding() {

    init {

    fun reset() {
        counter = 0

    private var oldValue: T? = dependency.value
    private var counter = 0

    override fun computeValue(): Int {
        if (oldValue != dependency.value) {
            oldValue = dependency.value
        return counter

The important thing here is to remember that this is still essentially a Binding and we want it to behave properly. So the reset() function needs to call invalidate() which will force any bound elements to call computeValue().

Now we can do this:

class ComboBoxTest7 : Application() {
    override fun start(stage: Stage) {
        stage.scene = Scene(createContent(), 400.0, 400.0)

    private fun createContent(): Region = VBox(20.0).apply {
        val model = Model7()
        val countingBinding = CountingBinding2(model.testValue)
        children += Label().apply {
            textProperty().bind( { "The current value in the ComboBox: $it" })
        children += Label().apply {
            textProperty().bind( { "Has changed $it times" })
        children += Button("Reset").apply {
            setOnAction { countingBinding.reset() }
        children += ComboBox(model.valueList) conditionallyBind model.testValue
        padding = Insets(40.0)

class Model7 {
    val testValue = SimpleObjectProperty<String>()
    val valueList: ObservableList<String> =
        FXCollections.observableArrayList("abc", "abj", "def", "hij", "mno", "xyz", "123", "456")

fun main() = Application.launch(

Here we’ve instantiated countingBinding as a CountingBinding2 so that we hava a reference to it that includes access to the reset() function. Then we’ve added a Button that will call countingBinding.reset() when it’s clicked. The result looks like this:

This is cool, and probably not something you’ve thought to do via a Binding before. I know that I hadn’t.

But is this something that you want or should do?

That’s for you to decide. The key question to ask is whether or not using a technique like this makes your code easier to understand and maintain or not, and there’s a lot of other considerations that come into that. It seems to me that if you’re doing this as a “one off”, then the uniqueness of this approach is going to require research for a maintenance programmer to understand. You’d need to offset that against the simplification of the layout code that results from the encapsulation of the functionality.

On the other hand, if you find yourself using this technique so much that you put the custom Binding class in a library and use it over and over, then it’s probably worthwhile.


I think that the idea of a ConditionalBinding keeps to the idea of a Binding as the connective tissue that holds a Reactive JavaFX design together. Used as described here, it provides a missing element that makes ComboBox work much closer to the way that you (well, at least that “I”) would expect it to work. At the same time, it sticks to idea of a Binding as an extension of ObservableValue and you can treate ConditionalBinding just like any other ObservableValue and it will work just fine.

The addition of internal state to a Binding is a powerful idea that can greatly expand the utility of Bindings, primarily by allowing you to encapsulate and isolate more complicated relationships between data elements.

If you look at the example code that utilizes ConditionalBinding, especially the version that uses the Kotlin extension functions on ComboBox, you’ll see that the mechanics of dealing with whether or not the pop-up is hidden or visible, and how that impacts updates to the Model, are completely absent from the layout code. That’s the power of encapsulation.

