What You’ll Learn
- How to build a layered structure for the back-end of the application.
- How to simulate a database for development/testing
- The purpose of a Data Access Object
- The purpose of a Broker
- How Domain Objects and the GUI Model interact
- What you can and should test
The Database
At first I thought about using something like Redis as a database, but then decided that we didn’t need the added complexity that it would bring about. After all, this is a tutorial about JavaFX, not database programming. Then I thought that I’d store the records as JSON, but discarded this as a useless distraction. So our “database” is going to be this:
Map<Integer, Map<String,String>>
Many modern databases are designed as Key/Value pairs, with the database record being the value. This is really the same thing, but all in Java. In the outer Map
, the keys are the record id’s, and the inner Map
holds the individual fields - the key being the field name and the value being the field value.
This is nice because it’s all Java. We don’t need to worry about JSON libraries and yet the database storage is distinctly different from how we generally store objects in Java, so that we’ll need a translator class. In that respect, it mimics what you’d expect to see in the real world.
But a database is more than just a single Map
. There are indexes and queries and multiple tables and data relationships that all need to be handled. So our database simulator will eventually need to do those things too. To start with, though, we’re going to generate internal record id’s that we’ll use as record keys.
Here’s the start for our database class:
public class CustomerDatabase {
private Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> data = new HashMap<>();
private Integer nextKey = 0;
public int saveCustomer(Map<String, String> customerRecord) {
customerRecord.put("_id", (++nextKey).toString());
data.put(nextKey, customerRecord);
return nextKey;
Map<Integer, Map<String,String>> getData() {
return data;
This is pretty straight-forward. We have one public method, which takes a “record” and saves it in the database, assigning it a unique key. The key is just a counter that starts at zero.
There’s not a lot here, but it is testable, so we should test it.
This is the bottom layer of our application structure. It’s vital that we know that it works as intended, so that we can put it out of our minds when we our investigating issues with the higher layers of our application. Here’s a test class:
class CustomerDatabaseTest {
void saveCustomerIdIncrementTest() {
CustomerDatabase dataBase = new CustomerDatabase();
assertEquals(1,dataBase.saveCustomer(new HashMap<String, String>()), "Id is incremented");
void saveCustomerIdIncrementTwiceTest() {
CustomerDatabase dataBase = new CustomerDatabase();
dataBase.saveCustomer(new HashMap<String, String>());
assertEquals(2,dataBase.saveCustomer(new HashMap<String, String>()), "Id is incremented");
void saveCustomerIdInsertionTest() {
CustomerDatabase dataBase = new CustomerDatabase();
HashMap<String, String> customerRecord = new HashMap<>();
dataBase.saveCustomer(new HashMap<String, String>());
assertEquals("1",dataBase.getData().get(1).get("_id"), "Id is inserted");
void saveCustomerRecordCorrectTest() {
CustomerDatabase dataBase = new CustomerDatabase();
HashMap<String, String> customerRecord = new HashMap<>();
customerRecord.put("name", "Fred");
assertEquals("Fred",dataBase.getData().get(1).get("name"), "Name is correct");
In order to do the testing, we need to be able to reach inside and see the raw Map
data independent of any functional method calls. So there’s a getter for the Map
in CustomerDatabase
. We might be able to remove this later on, when we have some retrieve functions in our application, but for now we’ll use this. In the real world of corporate application development, this approach might not be possible as it exposes parts of the database class to outside classes that really shouldn’t be opened up.
The first two tests are to make sure that the ID is incremented by just one each time that saveCustomer()
is called. The next test ensures that the internal _id
field is added to our record when it is saved. The final test makes sure (to some degree) that the data that we wanted saved in the database is actually saved.
The Data Access Object (DAO)
The DOA class is the class that understands how to access the database. It knows about the various tables, the record structures, the relationships between the tables and how to query and retrieve data, as well as how to store it.
Here’s our DOA so far:
public class CustomerDAO {
static CustomerDatabase database = new CustomerDatabase();
public int saveCustomer(Map<String, String> customerRecord) {
return database.saveCustomer(customerRecord);
There’s not much to it. The database is instantiated as a static field since we only ever want to have one database in our application, no matter how we instantiate the DAO, or how often we instantiate it.
There’s only one method so far, and at this point it merely delegates to the database saveCustomer()
method. There is nothing to test here - at least so far.
The Broker and Domain Objects
Now we get to the application layer that introduces the idea of a “Domain Object”. Domain Objects are business objects. They hold the data required to perform business operations and business logic. In our application we have just one kind of Domain Object - the Customer:
public class Customer {
private String accountNumber = "";
private String name = "";
public String getAccountNumber() {
return accountNumber;
public void setAccountNumber(String accountNumber) {
this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Yeah, this almost identical to our Model but without the Properties
. It feels like a duplication of information. That’s mostly because our Model at this stage is so simple. We don’t have Properties
to control data validation, or to handle other aspects of State that become important in a real application. So, for now, we just have to live with this feeling of duplication.
The Broker lives in a world in-between the business logic and the DAO. It knows about Domain Objects and database record structures. It knows how to communicate with the DAO, but it doesn’t know anything about tables, queries or database commands.
The Broker’s job is to turn Domain Objects into database-friendly data and pass them to the DAO for storage. Eventually it will do the opposite - ask the DOA for records and turn them into Domain Objects.
Here’s our Broker so far:
public class CustomerBroker {
private final CustomerDAO dao = new CustomerDAO();
public int saveCustomer(Customer customer) {
return dao.saveCustomer(createCustomerRecord(customer));
Map<String, String> createCustomerRecord(Customer customer) {
Map<String, String> customerRecord = new HashMap<>();
customerRecord.put("name", customer.getName());
customerRecord.put("account_number", customer.getAccountNumber());
return customerRecord;
We have some independent, functional code here, so we’ll need create some tests. I’ve deliberately made createCustomerRecord()
package private, so that we can call it directly in a test. If we didn’t do this, then we’d have to use a mocking library to mock the DAO so that we can see what’s being passed to it. That’s too much of a side trip.
Here’s the test class:
class CustomerBrokerTest {
void createCustomerRecord_AccountNumberTest() {
CustomerBroker broker = new CustomerBroker();
Customer customer = new Customer();
assertEquals("1234", broker.createCustomerRecord(customer).get("account_number"), "Account number check");
void createCustomerRecord_CustomerNameTest() {
CustomerBroker broker = new CustomerBroker();
Customer customer = new Customer();
assertEquals("Fred", broker.createCustomerRecord(customer).get("name"), "Customer name check");
One note here: When I write these tests, I always fiddle with the “expected value” parameter of the Assert
to something that is wrong, just to make sure that the test will fail if the CUT (Class/Code Under Test) is broken. Then I put it back to the correct value so the test passes.
Back to the Interactor
Now that we have our back-end built, we can go back to the Interactor and integrate it into our application:
public class CustomerInteractor {
private final CustomerModel model;
private final CustomerBroker broker = new CustomerBroker();
public CustomerInteractor(CustomerModel model) {
this.model = model;
public void saveCustomer() {
int result = broker.saveCustomer(createCustomerFromModel());
System.out.println("Saving account: " + model.getAccountNumber() + " Name: " + model.getCustomerName() + " Result: " + result);
Customer createCustomerFromModel() {
Customer customer = new Customer();
return customer;
At this point it becomes clear that the Interactor is the place where the Domain Objects and the GUI Model co-exist. The Broker only deals in Domain Objects, and will never have any knowledge of our GUI Model.
You can see that we’ve added a field for the Broker, and then added a call to it into CustomerBroker.saveCustomer()
. I’ve left the console output in there so that we can see how it works from the GUI. Aside from that, saveCustomer()
itself simply delegates to the Broker, so there’s no need for a test here.
However, we do have a step that takes the data from the Model and turns it into a Domain Object. That’s something that we do need to test:
class CustomerInteractorTest {
void createCustomer_NameTest() {
CustomerModel model = new CustomerModel();
CustomerInteractor interactor = new CustomerInteractor(model);
assertEquals("Fred", interactor.createCustomerFromModel().getName(),"Check customer name");
void createCustomer_AccountTest() {
CustomerModel model = new CustomerModel();
CustomerInteractor interactor = new CustomerInteractor(model);
assertEquals("ABCDE", interactor.createCustomerFromModel().getAccountNumber(),"Check customer name");
Even though CustomerModel
is composed of Properties
that are JavaFX elements, it’s OK to access them from a JUnit test without any FXAT running at all. This means that we can test methods in Interactor without any issues.
That’s our back-end completed and our first, bare-bones, feature all wrapped up. We have an application that can create a Customer and store it in our database. We have tests for everything that can and should be tested.
Once again, this thing runs!
It’s also potentially deployable, even though it’s ugly and doesn’t have any error checking or validation controls.