Tiles - The Basic Unit of Display
Our hex map is made up of hexagonal tiles, and each tile is its own little MVCI construct with an hexagonal layout shape.
The Tile Model
The model is pretty simple. We need some data for the location of the Tile
and it’s size, the terrain type and feature, and who’s occupying the Tile
class TileModel(location: Location, val width: ObservableDoubleValue, val height: ObservableDoubleValue) {
val terrainFeatureProperty: ObjectProperty<Int> = SimpleObjectProperty(0)
val terrainTypeProperty: ObjectProperty<TerrainType> = SimpleObjectProperty(TerrainType.NONE)
val selectedProperty: BooleanProperty = SimpleBooleanProperty(false)
val occupierProperty: ObjectProperty<CounterType> = SimpleObjectProperty(CounterType.NONE)
val locationProperty: ObjectProperty<Location> = SimpleObjectProperty()
val column: Int
get() = locationProperty.value.column
val row: Int
get() = locationProperty.value.row
init {
We’ve also got a couple of convenience methods to pull the row and column out of the Tile
Having the height and width come in as externally provided Observables
means that we can rescale the entire map at once by changing those properties as the application level.
The Tile ViewBuilder
All of the layout is handled by a single class TileViewBuilder
. Let’s take a look at how it works
In order to create the hexagonal shape, we’re going to use the stylesheet parameter -fx-shape
. This allows you to specify an SVG path for the shape. The size doesn’t matter, as we’ll scale the tile in the layout and it will just keep the shape.
.hex-tile {
-fx-shape: "M 300,150 225,280 75,280 0,150 75,20 225,20 z";
-fx-border-color: -border-colour;
-fx-border-width: 1px;
The Layout
The basic layout is just a StackPane
, we’ll see how this makes sense in a little bit:
private fun createStackPane() = StackPane().apply {
background = Background(BackgroundFill(model.terrainTypeProperty.value.colour, null, null))
model.terrainTypeProperty.addListener { _ -> background = Background(BackgroundFill(model.terrainTypeProperty.value.colour, null, null)) }
Here you can see the styleclass added, which gives it its shape, and then it’s size is bound to the height and width as specified in the TileModel
. Finally, the background is set to be a BackgroundFill
with its colour set to that defined in the TerrainType
Enum, and bound to the TileModel.TerrainType