The Hex Map
The Hex Map itself is just a layout container for a collection of Tiles
. It has no special functions of its own, and merely needs to scale itself and present the Tiles
Here’s the Builder
for the Hex Map:
class HexMapViewBuilder(private val model: MainModel, private val tileClickHandler: Consumer<TileModel>) : Builder<Region> {
override fun build(): Region {
val pane = Pane().apply {
children.addAll( { tileModel ->
TileController(tileModel, tileClickHandler).getView().apply {
translateXProperty().bind(Bindings.createDoubleBinding({ (tileModel.locationProperty.value.column - 1) * model.hexWidth.get() * 0.75 },
translateYProperty().bind(Bindings.createDoubleBinding({ calculateYTranslate(tileModel.locationProperty.value) }, model.hexHeight))
val numColumns: Int = model.tileModels.maxOfOrNull { tileModel -> tileModel.column } ?: 0
val numRows: Int = model.tileModels.maxOfOrNull { tileModel -> tileModel.row } ?: 0
minWidthProperty().bind(Bindings.createDoubleBinding({ model.hexWidth.get() * numColumns * 0.76667 + 5 }, model.hexWidth))
minHeightProperty().bind(Bindings.createDoubleBinding({ (numRows + 0.5) * model.hexHeight.get() }, model.hexHeight))
style = "-fx-background-color: teal;"
return StackPane(pane).apply {
padding = Insets(5.0)
private fun calculateYTranslate(location: Location): Double =
((location.row - 1) * model.hexHeight.get()) + (if (location.column % 2 == 0) model.hexHeight.get() / 2.0 else 0.0)