Now that the user can select how many units of each type that they want to have in the game, it’s time to look at how they can deploy those units by positioning them on the game board.
Drag And Drop
Even though drag and drop appears to be a GUI type of action, it’s really about data. You need to think about it as a data driven event. For sure, it’s driven by the user interacting with the GUI, and it looks like an image of something is literally being dragged across the screen, but that’s all window dressing…
- The Start of the Drag
- Pretty much any
on the screen can be used to start a drag, if you’ve defined it that way. The most important part about the defining drag for aNode
is that you’re defining the data that will be associated with the drag and you are defining the action to take place when the “drop” occurs. - The Drop
- Once again, just about any
can be defined as a source destination for the drag - the “drop” location. The most important thing about this, though, is that you’re defining the data to be transferred to the dropEventHandler
. - With Reactive Programming
- Here’s what you really need to keep in mind: Drag and drop is a GUI driven event that allows you to deliver some data to an
which will do something with it. ThatEventHandler
has to trigger some Game Logic to do something with that data. Game logic goes in the Interactor, so the job of the drop targetEventHandler
, is to pass that data, through the Controller, to the Interactor. The Interactor will update the Model according to its game logic, and the GUI will automatically respond.
In summary, the drag takes some data from the target and delivers it to an EventHandler
defined on the drag, which then invokes a Consumer
from the Controller which will call a method in the Interactor which will (eventually) update the Model. Because this is a Reactive system, those changes to the Model will instantly be reflected in the GUI.
But at no point are we actually moving a GUI element from one place to another!
Drag and Drop Events
There are three drag and drop events that we are concerned about at this point:
- DragDetected
- This is the
that signals that the drag process has been started by the user. It’s triggered in the sourceNode
. In thisEventHandler
, we’ll set up the drag data and the image for the drag. - DragDropped
- This is the
that indicates that the user has dropped the image into aNode
. It’s triggered in the targetNode
. In thisEventHandler
we’ll add information to the drag data that indicates where the image was dropped. - DragDone
- This is the
that indicates that the drag process has been finished by the user. It’s triggered in the sourceNode
. In thisEventHandler
we’ll pull the data from theDragEvent
and invoke whatever logic is required to handle the processing.
Sidebar Drag Sources
In CyberTanks!, the user will deploy the units by dragging one of the counter images onto the map and dropping it in one of the hex Tiles
Now, let’s look at how the drag sources are defined in the sidebar.
private fun createDragableImageView(unitType: UnitType, totalProperty: ObjectProperty<Int>, deployedProperty: ObjectProperty<Int>) =
ImageView(unitType.infoImage).apply {
setOnDragDetected {
if (totalProperty.value > deployedProperty.value) {
startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.COPY).apply {
dragView = unitType.image
setContent(mapOf(Pair(dataFormatUnitType, unitType)))
onDragDone = EventHandler { evt ->
(evt.dragboard.getContent(dataFormatLocation) as Location?)?.let { deployHandler.accept(unitType, it) }
setOnMouseEntered { cursor = Cursor.HAND }
setOnMousePressed { cursor = Cursor.MOVE }
This is the createDragableImageView
from the sidebar ViewBuilder. It instantiates an ImageView
and then sets up the drag and drop handlers for it.
The first thing it checks is to see whether the drag is allowed. The Model has two properties for each UnitType
; the total number of units of that type, and the number that have been deployed. If the total number is higher than those deployed, then there still are undeployed units, and the drag is allowed.
- Isn’t that business logic?
- Possibly. Here’s the way I think of it: The model has both pieces of data clearly identified, and checking to see if one is greater than the other is simply using that data in a basic way in the GUI. The guideline I use is that any simple combination of Model data elements is fair game for the View. If there is any other value used that isn’t directly related to screen display (ie: a number of pixels) then you’ve crossed into game logic, and it needs to be baked into the Model through code in the Interactor.
We start the drag action with Node.startDragAndDrop()
. This method returns a Dragboard
which is an extension of Clipboard
. Dragboard
adds support for a drag image, and a TransferMode
. The TransferMode
can be COPY
. Here, we’re just going to use COPY
We’re going to set the image to the basic counter image define in the UnitType
Enum via Dragboard.setImage()
. We’re not going to bother messing around with its location relative to the mouse pointer.
OK, so now we almost have a “drag” started…
Drag Data
We need to put some data into our drag via its Dragboard
. Unfortunately, we have to put something into our Dragboard
or the drag and drop won’t work. Even if we never use it. And in this case we really don’t need anything because we’re defining the start and end in the same block of code, so we know how it all got started and don’t need to shuttle data around in the Dragboard
For our drag and drop logic, we need two pieces of information; the UnitType
and the target Location
. So we’ll define both of those as values of DataFormat
val dataFormatLocation = DataFormat("location")
val dataFormatUnitType = DataFormat("unitType")
The data in the Dragboard
is stored in a Map
, keyed on DataFormat
value. Drag and drop is supposed to be interoperable between applications running on a desktop, so a lot of this structure is designed to facilitate that. We’re probably abusing the structure by using it to divide the data into different chunks and storing it in the Map
, but it will still work just fine.
So really all we’ve done here is define two keys that are compatible with the Dragboard
data Map
. We can put anything we want into the Map
values, as long as it’s serializable.
Down the road, we’ll probably want the Tiles
to behave differently depending on the UnitType
being dragged, so it won’t hurt to include it now. It satisfies the JavaFX need to have data, and isn’t too complicated.
Like any other View EventHandler
that needs to trigger real action, it’s main function is to simply invoke a Consumer
, passing it the information required.
In this case the Consumer
is a BiConsumer<UnitType, Location>
, which is pretty clear in itself. All we need to do the work, is the type of unit being deployed, and the Location
of the Tile
in which it was dropped.
The Target Tile
Now, let’s look at the target end of the process, the Tile
override fun build(): Region = createStackPane().apply {
children.addAll(createTerrainSprite(), createCoordinateLabel(), createOccupyingCounter())
onMouseClicked = EventHandler { }
onDragEntered = EventHandler { pseudoClassStateChanged(dragOver, true) }
onDragExited = EventHandler { pseudoClassStateChanged(dragOver, false) }
onDragOver = EventHandler { it.acceptTransferModes(TransferMode.COPY) }
onDragDropped = EventHandler {
it.dragboard.setContent(mapOf(Pair(dataFormatLocation, model.locationProperty.value)))
This is the
method, which we didn’t look at in the section about the Tiles
because it almost completely deals with drag and drop.
The calls to Node.setOnDragEntered()
and Node.setOnDragExited()
simple toggle the dragOver
Here’s the css entry that controls this:
.hex-tile:drag-over {
-border-colour: blue;
When the PseudoClass
is true
, then the Tile
border is blue
The call to Node.setOnDragOver()
activates the Tile
for drop event. Basically, this is just a way for the Tile
to tell the DragEvent
that it’s OK to drop onto the Tile
. JavaFX natively allows for the selection to be based on one or more of the three TransferModes
, but we’re only using COPY
so that’s all we need to enable.
Finally, the Node.setOnDragDropped()
call supplies the EventHandler
that puts the target Tile Location
into the Dragboard
That’s it for the View side of things. All in, about 20 lines of code to enable it.
Performing the Drag and Drop Action
How does the counter get into the Tile
? That’s all in the Interactors…
First, we need a data structure to pass the movement of a unit into and out of the Tiles
. Now, we’re jumping the gun a little bit with the “out of” part, but it’s going to get used in the very next article, and leaving it out now means that we’ll just have to come back to it then. So it’s in here now:
data class UnitMovement(val source: Location? = null, val destination: Location? = null, val unitType: UnitType) {}
This is pretty simple. We have three values, the source and destination of the move, and then the UnitType
that’s being moved. Both the source
and destination
fields are defined as Location?
, which means that they are nullable. In Kotlin, that means you treat them very much like Optional
in Java. Also, we’ve initialized them to null
, so you don’t have to specify them in the constructor.
Next, we’ll look at the SetupInteractor
class SetupInteractor(val model: SetupModel, private val deploymentHandler: (UnitMovement) -> Boolean) {
fun deployCounter(unitType: UnitType, location: Location) {
if (deploymentHandler.invoke(UnitMovement(destination = location, unitType = unitType))) {
private fun UnitType.updateDeployedAmount(amount: Int) = when (this) {
UnitType.NONE -> {}
UnitType.HVYTK -> model.heavyTanksDeployed.value += amount
UnitType.LGHTK -> model.lightTanksDeployed.value += amount
UnitType.HWZR -> model.howitzersDeployed.value += amount
UnitType.INFTY1 -> model.infantryDeployed.value += amount
UnitType.INFTY2 -> {}
UnitType.GEV -> model.gevsDeployed.value += amount
UnitType.MSLTK -> model.missileTanksDeployed.value += amount
UnitType.CPA -> model.commandPostsDeployed.value += amount
UnitType.CT1 -> {}
There’s some Kotlin stuff to unpack here, so let’s look at it.
First, in the constructor we have deploymentHandler
declared as (UnitMovement) -> Boolean
. This is essentially the same as using Function<UnitMovement,Boolean>
in Java. It’s a function that takes a UnitMovement
and returns a Boolean
Next, let’s look at that weird function at the bottom. It’s called an “extension function”, and allows us to add a method to another class without publicly adding the method inside the class. In this case, we’re using the fact that it’s scoped inside the Interactor to allow access to the Model and update values in it.
Then we get to deployCounter()
, which we are defining as a UnitMovement
with an empty source and the destination our target Location
. We pass that movement off to the GameInteractor
to do the actual work, and if it’s successful then we update the number of this UnitType
that have been deployed.
So how does the GameInteractor
part work?
fun handleUnitMovement(unitMovement: UnitMovement): Boolean {
val taken = unitMovement.source?.run {
model.consumeTile(this) { tileModel ->
swapIfValid(tileModel, unitMovement.unitType, UnitType.NONE)
} ?: true
val placed = unitMovement.destination?.run {
model.consumeTile(this) { tileModel ->
swapIfValid(tileModel, UnitType.NONE, unitMovement.unitType)
} ?: true
return (taken && placed)
private fun swapIfValid(tileModel: TileModel, current: UnitType, newType: UnitType) = if (tileModel.occupierProperty.value == current) {
tileModel.occupierProperty.value = newType
} else {
Let’s look at swapIfValid()
first. It checks to make sure that the current occupier of the TileModel
is what is expected, and if it is, then it swaps it with the new value and returns true. If it isn’t what was expected, then it returns false.
The method handleUnitMovement()
potentially calls swapIfValid()
twice. Once to clear out the source TileModel
and the other to populate the destination TileModel
. If either TileModel
is null, it skips this step and returns true
for it.
Finally, the whole method return the AND
of both results.
The Handler in GameModel
The final piece of this is GameModel.consumeTile()
fun consumeTile(location: Location, tileConsumer: (TileModel) -> Boolean): Boolean {
return tileModels.find { tileModel -> tileModel.locationProperty.value.equals(location) }?.run {
} ?: false
This method takes a Location
and a Function<TileModel, Boolean>
. It searches through GameModel.tileModels
looking for a TileModel
that has the specified Location
. Then it executes the supplied function against it and returns the result. If it cannot find a TileModel
with that Location
it returns false
This is basically a way to perform arbitrary actions against an TileModel
with a specified Location
without needing to know anything about the structure of the storage of the TileModels
And This is Reflected in the View
When the move is completed, two values will have changed in the Models (remember that the source is always null
so far).
First, the TileModel
that has the Location
specified as the target will get updated, and it’s Occupier
property will changed. This will be instantly reflected in the Tile
on the screen, as it has an ImageView
with its Image
property bound to this value.
Secondly, the number of units available to be deployed will drop by one. Once again, the Label
with this value is bound to a property in the Model.