
class RadialMenu(menuItem1: RadialMenuModel, menuItem2: RadialMenuModel, centreMenuItem: RadialMenuModel, additionalMenuItems: RadialMenuModel) : Pane


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constructor(menuItem1: RadialMenuModel, menuItem2: RadialMenuModel, centreMenuItem: RadialMenuModel, vararg additionalMenuItems: RadialMenuModel)


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object CssStuff


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val children: ObservableList<Node>
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val properties: ObservableMap<Any, Any>
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val pseudoClassStates: ObservableSet<PseudoClass>
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val styleClass: ObservableList<String>
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val stylesheets: ObservableList<String>


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fun accessibleHelpProperty(): ObjectProperty<String>
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fun accessibleRoleProperty(): ObjectProperty<AccessibleRole>
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fun accessibleTextProperty(): ObjectProperty<String>
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fun <T : Event> addEventFilter(p0: EventType<T>, p1: EventHandler<in T>)
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fun <T : Event> addEventHandler(p0: EventType<T>, p1: EventHandler<in T>)
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fun addMenuItem(vararg radialMenuModels: RadialMenuModel)
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fun applyCss()
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fun autosize()
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fun backgroundProperty(): ObjectProperty<Background>
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fun blendModeProperty(): ObjectProperty<BlendMode>
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fun borderProperty(): ObjectProperty<Border>
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fun boundsInLocalProperty(): ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Bounds>
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fun boundsInParentProperty(): ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Bounds>
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open override fun buildEventDispatchChain(p0: EventDispatchChain): EventDispatchChain
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fun cacheHintProperty(): ObjectProperty<CacheHint>
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fun cacheProperty(): BooleanProperty
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fun cacheShapeProperty(): BooleanProperty
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fun centerShapeProperty(): BooleanProperty
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fun clipProperty(): ObjectProperty<Node>
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open operator fun contains(p0: Point2D): Boolean
open fun contains(p0: Double, p1: Double): Boolean
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fun cursorProperty(): ObjectProperty<Cursor>
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fun depthTestProperty(): ObjectProperty<DepthTest>
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fun disabledProperty(): ReadOnlyBooleanProperty
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fun disableProperty(): BooleanProperty
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fun effectiveNodeOrientationProperty(): ReadOnlyObjectProperty<NodeOrientation>
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fun effectProperty(): ObjectProperty<Effect>
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fun eventDispatcherProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventDispatcher>
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open fun executeAccessibleAction(p0: AccessibleAction, vararg p1: Any)
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fun fireEvent(p0: Event)
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fun focusedProperty(): ReadOnlyBooleanProperty
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fun focusTraversableProperty(): BooleanProperty
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fun getAccessibleRole(): AccessibleRole
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fun getBackground(): Background
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open override fun getBaselineOffset(): Double
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fun getBlendMode(): BlendMode
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fun getBorder(): Border
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fun getBoundsInLocal(): Bounds
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fun getBoundsInParent(): Bounds
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fun getCacheHint(): CacheHint
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open fun getChildrenUnmodifiable(): ObservableList<Node>
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fun getClip(): Node
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open fun getContentBias(): Orientation
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open override fun getCssMetaData(): MutableList<CssMetaData<out Styleable, *>>
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fun getCursor(): Cursor
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fun getDepthTest(): DepthTest
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fun getEffect(): Effect
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fun getEffectiveNodeOrientation(): NodeOrientation
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fun getEventDispatcher(): EventDispatcher
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override fun getId(): String
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fun getInputMethodRequests(): InputMethodRequests
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fun getInsets(): Insets
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fun getLayoutBounds(): Bounds
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fun getLocalToParentTransform(): Transform
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fun getLocalToSceneTransform(): Transform
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fun getNodeOrientation(): NodeOrientation
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fun getOnContextMenuRequested(): EventHandler<in ContextMenuEvent>
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fun getOnDragDetected(): EventHandler<in MouseEvent>
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fun getOnDragDone(): EventHandler<in DragEvent>
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fun getOnDragDropped(): EventHandler<in DragEvent>
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fun getOnDragEntered(): EventHandler<in DragEvent>
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fun getOnDragExited(): EventHandler<in DragEvent>
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fun getOnDragOver(): EventHandler<in DragEvent>
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fun getOnInputMethodTextChanged(): EventHandler<in InputMethodEvent>
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fun getOnKeyPressed(): EventHandler<in KeyEvent>
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fun getOnKeyReleased(): EventHandler<in KeyEvent>
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fun getOnKeyTyped(): EventHandler<in KeyEvent>
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fun getOnMouseClicked(): EventHandler<in MouseEvent>
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fun getOnMouseDragEntered(): EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>
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fun getOnMouseDragExited(): EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>
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fun getOnMouseDragged(): EventHandler<in MouseEvent>
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fun getOnMouseDragOver(): EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>
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fun getOnMouseDragReleased(): EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>
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fun getOnMouseEntered(): EventHandler<in MouseEvent>
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fun getOnMouseExited(): EventHandler<in MouseEvent>
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fun getOnMouseMoved(): EventHandler<in MouseEvent>
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fun getOnMousePressed(): EventHandler<in MouseEvent>
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fun getOnMouseReleased(): EventHandler<in MouseEvent>
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fun getOnRotate(): EventHandler<in RotateEvent>
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fun getOnRotationFinished(): EventHandler<in RotateEvent>
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fun getOnRotationStarted(): EventHandler<in RotateEvent>
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fun getOnScroll(): EventHandler<in ScrollEvent>
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fun getOnScrollFinished(): EventHandler<in ScrollEvent>
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fun getOnScrollStarted(): EventHandler<in ScrollEvent>
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fun getOnSwipeDown(): EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>
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fun getOnSwipeLeft(): EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>
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fun getOnSwipeRight(): EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>
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fun getOnSwipeUp(): EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>
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fun getOnTouchMoved(): EventHandler<in TouchEvent>
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fun getOnTouchPressed(): EventHandler<in TouchEvent>
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fun getOnTouchReleased(): EventHandler<in TouchEvent>
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fun getOnTouchStationary(): EventHandler<in TouchEvent>
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fun getOnZoom(): EventHandler<in ZoomEvent>
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fun getOnZoomFinished(): EventHandler<in ZoomEvent>
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fun getOnZoomStarted(): EventHandler<in ZoomEvent>
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fun getOpaqueInsets(): Insets
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fun getPadding(): Insets
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fun getParent(): Parent
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fun getRotationAxis(): Point3D
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fun getScene(): Scene
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fun getShape(): Shape
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override fun getStyle(): String
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open fun getStyleableNode(): Node
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open override fun getStyleableParent(): Styleable
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fun getTransforms(): ObservableList<Transform>
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open override fun getTypeSelector(): String
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open fun getUserData(): Any
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fun heightProperty(): ReadOnlyDoubleProperty
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fun hoverProperty(): ReadOnlyBooleanProperty
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fun idProperty(): StringProperty
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fun innerRadiusProperty(): StyleableDoubleProperty
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fun inputMethodRequestsProperty(): ObjectProperty<InputMethodRequests>
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fun insetsProperty(): ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Insets>
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open fun intersects(p0: Bounds): Boolean
open fun intersects(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double, p3: Double): Boolean
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open override fun isResizable(): Boolean
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fun layout()
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fun layoutBoundsProperty(): ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Bounds>
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fun layoutXProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun layoutYProperty(): DoubleProperty
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open fun localToParent(p0: Bounds): Bounds
open fun localToParent(p0: Point2D): Point2D
open fun localToParent(p0: Point3D): Point3D
open fun localToParent(p0: Double, p1: Double): Point2D
open fun localToParent(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double): Point3D
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fun localToParentTransformProperty(): ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Transform>
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open fun localToScene(p0: Bounds): Bounds
open fun localToScene(p0: Point2D): Point2D
open fun localToScene(p0: Point3D): Point3D
open fun localToScene(p0: Bounds, p1: Boolean): Bounds
open fun localToScene(p0: Point2D, p1: Boolean): Point2D
open fun localToScene(p0: Point3D, p1: Boolean): Point3D
open fun localToScene(p0: Double, p1: Double): Point2D
open fun localToScene(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Boolean): Point2D
open fun localToScene(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double): Point3D
open fun localToScene(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double, p3: Boolean): Point3D
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fun localToSceneTransformProperty(): ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Transform>
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open fun localToScreen(p0: Bounds): Bounds
open fun localToScreen(p0: Point2D): Point2D
open fun localToScreen(p0: Point3D): Point2D
open fun localToScreen(p0: Double, p1: Double): Point2D
open fun localToScreen(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double): Point2D
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open override fun lookup(p0: String): Node
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open fun lookupAll(p0: String): MutableSet<Node>
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fun managedProperty(): BooleanProperty
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override fun maxHeight(p0: Double): Double
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fun maxHeightProperty(): DoubleProperty
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override fun maxWidth(p0: Double): Double
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fun maxWidthProperty(): DoubleProperty
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override fun minHeight(p0: Double): Double
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fun minHeightProperty(): DoubleProperty
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override fun minWidth(p0: Double): Double
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fun minWidthProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun mouseTransparentProperty(): BooleanProperty
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fun needsLayoutProperty(): ReadOnlyBooleanProperty
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fun nodeOrientationProperty(): ObjectProperty<NodeOrientation>
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fun notifyAccessibleAttributeChanged(p0: AccessibleAttribute)
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fun onContextMenuRequestedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in ContextMenuEvent>>
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fun onDragDetectedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseEvent>>
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fun onDragDoneProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in DragEvent>>
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fun onDragDroppedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in DragEvent>>
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fun onDragEnteredProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in DragEvent>>
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fun onDragExitedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in DragEvent>>
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fun onDragOverProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in DragEvent>>
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fun onInputMethodTextChangedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in InputMethodEvent>>
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fun onKeyPressedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in KeyEvent>>
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fun onKeyReleasedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in KeyEvent>>
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fun onKeyTypedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in KeyEvent>>
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fun onMouseClickedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseEvent>>
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fun onMouseDragEnteredProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>>
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fun onMouseDragExitedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>>
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fun onMouseDraggedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseEvent>>
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fun onMouseDragOverProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>>
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fun onMouseDragReleasedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>>
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fun onMouseEnteredProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseEvent>>
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fun onMouseExitedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseEvent>>
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fun onMouseMovedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseEvent>>
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fun onMousePressedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseEvent>>
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fun onMouseReleasedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in MouseEvent>>
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fun onRotateProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in RotateEvent>>
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fun onRotationFinishedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in RotateEvent>>
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fun onRotationStartedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in RotateEvent>>
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fun onScrollFinishedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in ScrollEvent>>
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fun onScrollProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in ScrollEvent>>
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fun onScrollStartedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in ScrollEvent>>
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fun onSwipeDownProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>>
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fun onSwipeLeftProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>>
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fun onSwipeRightProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>>
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fun onSwipeUpProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>>
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fun onTouchMovedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in TouchEvent>>
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fun onTouchPressedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in TouchEvent>>
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fun onTouchReleasedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in TouchEvent>>
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fun onTouchStationaryProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in TouchEvent>>
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fun onZoomFinishedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in ZoomEvent>>
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fun onZoomProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in ZoomEvent>>
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fun onZoomStartedProperty(): ObjectProperty<EventHandler<in ZoomEvent>>
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fun opacityProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun opaqueInsetsProperty(): ObjectProperty<Insets>
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fun outerRadiusProperty(): StyleableDoubleProperty
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fun paddingProperty(): ObjectProperty<Insets>
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fun parentProperty(): ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Parent>
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open fun parentToLocal(p0: Bounds): Bounds
open fun parentToLocal(p0: Point2D): Point2D
open fun parentToLocal(p0: Point3D): Point3D
open fun parentToLocal(p0: Double, p1: Double): Point2D
open fun parentToLocal(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double): Point3D
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fun pickOnBoundsProperty(): BooleanProperty
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operator fun Pane.plusAssign(newChild: Node)

Operator to add a Node to a Pane or Pane subclass

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override fun prefHeight(p0: Double): Double
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fun prefHeightProperty(): DoubleProperty
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override fun prefWidth(p0: Double): Double
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fun prefWidthProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun pressedProperty(): ReadOnlyBooleanProperty
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fun pseudoClassStateChanged(p0: PseudoClass, p1: Boolean)
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open override fun queryAccessibleAttribute(p0: AccessibleAttribute, vararg p1: Any): Any
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open fun relocate(p0: Double, p1: Double)
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fun <T : Event> removeEventFilter(p0: EventType<T>, p1: EventHandler<in T>)
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fun <T : Event> removeEventHandler(p0: EventType<T>, p1: EventHandler<in T>)
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open fun requestFocus()
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open fun requestLayout()
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open override fun resize(p0: Double, p1: Double)
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open fun resizeRelocate(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double, p3: Double)
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fun rotateProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun rotationAxisProperty(): ObjectProperty<Point3D>
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fun scaleShapeProperty(): BooleanProperty
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fun scaleXProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun scaleYProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun scaleZProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun sceneProperty(): ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Scene>
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open fun sceneToLocal(p0: Bounds): Bounds
open fun sceneToLocal(p0: Point2D): Point2D
open fun sceneToLocal(p0: Point3D): Point3D
open fun sceneToLocal(p0: Bounds, p1: Boolean): Bounds
open fun sceneToLocal(p0: Point2D, p1: Boolean): Point2D
open fun sceneToLocal(p0: Double, p1: Double): Point2D
open fun sceneToLocal(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Boolean): Point2D
open fun sceneToLocal(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double): Point3D
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open fun screenToLocal(p0: Bounds): Bounds
open fun screenToLocal(p0: Point2D): Point2D
open fun screenToLocal(p0: Double, p1: Double): Point2D
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fun setAccessibleRole(p0: AccessibleRole)
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fun setBackground(p0: Background)
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fun setBlendMode(p0: BlendMode)
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fun setBorder(p0: Border)
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fun setCache(p0: Boolean)
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fun setCacheHint(p0: CacheHint)
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fun setClip(p0: Node)
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fun setCursor(p0: Cursor)
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fun setDepthTest(p0: DepthTest)
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fun setEffect(p0: Effect)
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fun setEventDispatcher(p0: EventDispatcher)
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fun setId(p0: String)
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fun setInputMethodRequests(p0: InputMethodRequests)
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open fun setMaxSize(p0: Double, p1: Double)
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open fun setMinSize(p0: Double, p1: Double)
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fun setNodeOrientation(p0: NodeOrientation)
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fun setOnContextMenuRequested(p0: EventHandler<in ContextMenuEvent>)
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fun setOnDragDetected(p0: EventHandler<in MouseEvent>)
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fun setOnDragDone(p0: EventHandler<in DragEvent>)
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fun setOnDragDropped(p0: EventHandler<in DragEvent>)
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fun setOnDragEntered(p0: EventHandler<in DragEvent>)
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fun setOnDragExited(p0: EventHandler<in DragEvent>)
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fun setOnDragOver(p0: EventHandler<in DragEvent>)
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fun setOnInputMethodTextChanged(p0: EventHandler<in InputMethodEvent>)
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fun setOnKeyPressed(p0: EventHandler<in KeyEvent>)
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fun setOnKeyReleased(p0: EventHandler<in KeyEvent>)
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fun setOnKeyTyped(p0: EventHandler<in KeyEvent>)
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fun setOnMouseClicked(p0: EventHandler<in MouseEvent>)
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fun setOnMouseDragEntered(p0: EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>)
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fun setOnMouseDragExited(p0: EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>)
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fun setOnMouseDragged(p0: EventHandler<in MouseEvent>)
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fun setOnMouseDragOver(p0: EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>)
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fun setOnMouseDragReleased(p0: EventHandler<in MouseDragEvent>)
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fun setOnMouseEntered(p0: EventHandler<in MouseEvent>)
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fun setOnMouseExited(p0: EventHandler<in MouseEvent>)
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fun setOnMouseMoved(p0: EventHandler<in MouseEvent>)
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fun setOnMousePressed(p0: EventHandler<in MouseEvent>)
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fun setOnMouseReleased(p0: EventHandler<in MouseEvent>)
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fun setOnRotate(p0: EventHandler<in RotateEvent>)
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fun setOnRotationFinished(p0: EventHandler<in RotateEvent>)
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fun setOnRotationStarted(p0: EventHandler<in RotateEvent>)
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fun setOnScroll(p0: EventHandler<in ScrollEvent>)
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fun setOnScrollFinished(p0: EventHandler<in ScrollEvent>)
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fun setOnScrollStarted(p0: EventHandler<in ScrollEvent>)
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fun setOnSwipeDown(p0: EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>)
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fun setOnSwipeLeft(p0: EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>)
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fun setOnSwipeRight(p0: EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>)
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fun setOnSwipeUp(p0: EventHandler<in SwipeEvent>)
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fun setOnTouchMoved(p0: EventHandler<in TouchEvent>)
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fun setOnTouchPressed(p0: EventHandler<in TouchEvent>)
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fun setOnTouchReleased(p0: EventHandler<in TouchEvent>)
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fun setOnTouchStationary(p0: EventHandler<in TouchEvent>)
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fun setOnZoom(p0: EventHandler<in ZoomEvent>)
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fun setOnZoomFinished(p0: EventHandler<in ZoomEvent>)
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fun setOnZoomStarted(p0: EventHandler<in ZoomEvent>)
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fun setOpaqueInsets(p0: Insets)
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fun setPadding(p0: Insets)
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open fun setPrefSize(p0: Double, p1: Double)
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fun setRotate(p0: Double)
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fun setRotationAxis(p0: Point3D)
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fun setScaleX(p0: Double)
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fun setScaleY(p0: Double)
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fun setScaleZ(p0: Double)
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fun setShape(p0: Shape)
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fun setStyle(p0: String)
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open fun setUserData(p0: Any)
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fun shapeProperty(): ObjectProperty<Shape>
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open fun snapPositionX(p0: Double): Double
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open fun snapPositionY(p0: Double): Double
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open fun snapshot(p0: SnapshotParameters, p1: WritableImage): WritableImage
open fun snapshot(p0: Callback<SnapshotResult, Void>, p1: SnapshotParameters, p2: WritableImage)
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open fun snapSizeX(p0: Double): Double
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open fun snapSizeY(p0: Double): Double
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open fun snapSpaceX(p0: Double): Double
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open fun snapSpaceY(p0: Double): Double
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fun snapToPixelProperty(): BooleanProperty
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open fun startDragAndDrop(vararg p0: TransferMode): Dragboard
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open fun startFullDrag()
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fun styleProperty(): StringProperty
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open fun toBack()
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open fun toFront()
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open override fun toString(): String
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fun translateXProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun translateYProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun translateZProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun viewOrderProperty(): DoubleProperty
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fun visibleProperty(): BooleanProperty
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fun widthProperty(): ReadOnlyDoubleProperty