Package-level declarations


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Standard Label styles defined in widgetsfx.css. Use styleAs to apply these style selectors to a Label

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Standard testing styles defined in widgetsfx.css. These place coloured borders around the Regions and set a background colour. These styleclasses are intended to make it easier to understand the extents of regions in layouts when designing layouts. They can easily be added to a Region via Node.testStyleAs()


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const val stylesheet: String


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infix fun <T : ButtonBase> T.addAction(eventHandler: EventHandler<ActionEvent>): T

Infix convenience function to add an onAction EventHandler to a Button

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infix fun <T : Node> T.addStyle(newStyleClass: String): T

Infix extension function to add a styleclass selector to a Node.

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fun Scene.addStyleSheet(sheetName: String): Scene

Extension function to add a stylesheet to a Scene

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fun <T : Parent> T.addWidgetStyles(): T

Extension function to add the standard widgetsfx.css stylesheet to a Parent. Note that this will not have any effect unless the Parent is used as the Root element of a Scene.

fun Scene.addWidgetStyles(): Scene

Extension function to add the standard widgetsfx.css stylesheet to a Scene

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infix fun HBox.alignTo(pos: Pos): HBox

Infix extension function to specify the alignment of on HBox

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infix fun <T : Labeled> T.bindGraphic(graphicProperty: ObservableObjectValue<Node>): T
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infix fun <T : Labeled> T.bindTo(value: ObservableStringValue): T
infix fun TextField.bindTo(value: StringProperty): TextField
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fun buttonOf(text: String, handler: EventHandler<ActionEvent>): Button

Factory method to create a simple, text-only, Button with an onAction EventHandler

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fun h1Of(value: ObservableStringValue): Label

Factory method to create a Label styled as an H1 with its Text property bound to an ObservableStringValue

fun h1Of(value: String): Label

Factory method to create a Label styled as an H1

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fun h2Of(value: ObservableStringValue): Label

Factory method to create a Label styled as an H2 with its Text property bound to an ObservableStringValue

fun h2Of(value: String): Label

Factory method to create a Label styled as an H2

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fun h3Of(value: ObservableStringValue): Label

Factory method to create a Label styled as an H3 with its Text property bound to an ObservableStringValue

fun h3Of(value: String): Label

Factory method to create a Label styled as an H3

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fun labelOf(value: ObservableStringValue): Label
fun labelOf(value: ObservableStringValue, styleClass: String, graphicProperty: ObservableObjectValue<Node>): Label
fun labelOf(value: ObservableStringValue, styleClass: String, graphicNode: Node? = null): Label
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infix fun <T : Region> T.padWith(padSize: Double): T

Infix extension function to quickly add padding to a Region with all sides padded to the same amount.

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operator fun StringProperty.plusAssign(otherProperty: ObservableValue<String>)

operator fun Labeled.plusAssign(otherProperty: StringProperty)

Operator definition for += for Labels that binds the Label's Text property to another StringProperty

operator fun Pane.plusAssign(newChild: Node)

Operator to add a Node to a Pane or Pane subclass

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fun promptOf(value: ObservableStringValue): Label
fun promptOf(value: String): Label
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infix fun <T : Labeled> T.styleAs(labelStyle: LabelStyle): T

Decorator function to apply a LabelStyle to a Label

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infix fun <T : Node> T.testStyleAs(nodeStyle: TestStyle): T

Extension function to add one of the standard testing styles defined in widgetsfx.css to a Node. These styles are intended to make it easier to understand how layout elements are related to one another and their extents when designing GUI screens.

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fun textFieldOf(boundValue: StringProperty): TextField

Factory method to create a TextField bound to a StringProperty