Package-level declarations


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class CompositeDirtyProperty(val base: DirtyPropertyBase<Any>) : DirtyProperty<Any> , ObservableValue<Boolean>


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class DirtyBooleanProperty(bean: Any?, name: String, initialValue: Boolean? = null) : BooleanPropertyBase, DirtyProperty<Boolean>

Provides SimpleBooleanProperty functionality with support for flagging changes from a baseline value. See DirtyPropertyBase for details about dirty property functions such as reset() and rebase()

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class DirtyDoubleProperty(bean: Any?, name: String, initialValue: Double? = null) : DoublePropertyBase, DirtyProperty<Double>

Provides SimpleDoubleProperty functionality with support for flagging changes from a baseline value. See DirtyPropertyBase for details about dirty property functions such as reset() and rebase()

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class DirtyIntegerProperty(bean: Any?, name: String, initialValue: Int? = null) : IntegerPropertyBase, DirtyProperty<Int>
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class DirtyLongProperty(bean: Any?, name: String, initialValue: Long? = null) : LongPropertyBase, DirtyProperty<Long>
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class DirtyObjectProperty<T>(bean: Any?, name: String, initialValue: T? = null) : ObjectPropertyBase<T> , DirtyProperty<T>
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interface DirtyProperty<T>
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open class DirtyPropertyBase<T>(wrapper: Property<T>)
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class DirtyStringProperty(bean: Any?, name: String, initialValue: String? = null) : StringPropertyBase, DirtyProperty<String>